4 Dumbbell Exercises to Sculpt Sleeve-Busting Biceps, Trainer Says

Big biceps are a staple of the classic muscular physique. From Arnold Schwarzenegger to Phil Heath, there is no denying that you need a killer set of biceps if you want a jaw-dropping physique. In honor of that, we've curated four of the best dumbbell exercises for sleeve-busting biceps.
When it comes to building sleeve-busting biceps, losing arm fat is an important factor. However, it's unfortunately not enough if your goal is an impressive set of pythons capable of destroying your current T-shirt size. To put it simply, if you want muscular biceps, you have to build muscle. This is true whether you're a man who's looking for maximal bicep size, or you're a woman who wants to tone up, get rid of "bat wings," and get more definition in your upper arms.
The good news is with just four simple dumbbell exercises performed two times a week, you can quickly and efficiently add some girth to your upper arms and begin stretching those sleeves. Keep reading to learn about the top-recommended dumbbell exercises for sleeve-busting biceps. Perform three sets of each exercise for 10 to 12 reps, two times a week, for a minimum of eight weeks.
Standard Bicep Curl

This exercise is the traditional bicep curl using a supinated grip, meaning your palms face toward you at the top of the movement. To perform it, begin with a dumbbell in each hand held at your waist, with your thumbs pointing outward. Slowly raise the dumbbells to your chest by squeezing your biceps and curling the weights up. Keep your elbows fixed to your sides during the movement. Squeeze the top position for one to two seconds, then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Repeat for the target reps.
Bicep Hammer Curl

The hammer bicep curl variation involves curling the dumbbells with your palms facing inward toward each other and your thumb side touching your chest at the top of the movement. To perform this exercise, begin with dumbbells at your sides, palms facing inward. Curl the dumbbells upward slowly, keeping your palms facing one another. Squeeze the top position for one to two seconds, then slowly lower the weights back down to the starting position. Repeat for the target reps.
Bicep Arnold Curl

The bicep Arnold curl has you beginning in a hammer curl position. However, you will rotate your thumbs outward as your curl the dumbbells, so the top position looks the same as the end position of a standard curl. To perform a bicep Arnold curl, begin with the dumbbells by your sides, palms facing inward. Curl the dumbbells up slowly. As you raise the dumbbells, rotate your thumbs outward. Squeeze the top position for one to two seconds, then slowly lower to the starting position, reversing the rotation. Repeat for the target reps.
Concentration Curl

The last of these dumbbell exercises for sleeve-busting biceps is the concentration curl. This movement involves sitting down with a dumbbell in one hand. Your elbow should be positioned on your inner thigh with the dumbbell between your legs. Curl the dumbbell upward, pivoting at your elbow. Don't move your elbow from its contact point on your inner thigh. Squeeze the top position for one to two seconds, then slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position. Repeat for the target reps.