4 Drinking Habits That Slow Your Metabolism at Any Age, Says Dietitian

What you sip can play a role in your metabolism, or the conversion of food energy to energy your body can use. You do want your metabolism to keep on revving as a slower metabolism can lead to weight gain. Read on for four habits when it comes to beverages that can slow your metabolism, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss 4 Eating Habits That Slow Your Metabolism, Say Dietitians.
Not drinking enough water.

Your body is made up of about 50 to 70 percent water and depends on H2O to function. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water in order to function as it should. Your blood is made up of a large percentage of water to help carry essential nutrients to your cells and also carry waste materials to your kidneys and out of your body through the urine. It also helps regulate body temperature through sweat and promotes healthy stool, allowing your digestive tract to run smoothly. Without water, all these body functions and metabolism can slow down.
Keep your metabolism revving: Sip on water throughout the day. Also, remember to eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, which also count towards your daily water goals.
Skipping coffee.

There are some benefits of drinking coffee, including increasing your metabolism. Research shows that caffeine can increase your resting metabolic rate by 3 to 11 percent. However, too much of a good thing isn't healthy either. For healthy adults, the Food and Drug Administration has cited 400 milligrams per day of caffeine as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects. That's equivalent to about three eight-ounce cups of coffee per day.
Keep your metabolism revving: Don't skip your morning cup of Joe—enjoy it, but be mindful of add-ins like heavy cream and sugar, which should be minimized.
Not drinking enough milk.

Calcium is certainly needed for strong bones but it's also a nutrient that is used for your metabolism. Calcium plays a huge role in the metabolism of almost every cell in the body and interacts with a large number of other nutrients. Not getting enough calcium can lead to a variety of adverse effects. In addition, according to the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans, most Americans under-consume calcium, vitamin D, and potassium—three nutrients found in milk.
Keep your metabolism revving: Most folks aren't getting their three recommended servings of milk and dairy foods daily. Getting at least one or two servings by drinking low or nonfat milk can help ensure you're taking in plenty of calcium your body needs to keep your metabolism going. If you are lactose intolerant, look for lactose-free varieties of milk, which have the same nutrients as traditional milk.
Choosing beverages with add-ins high in saturated fat.

Do you love ordering the fun beverages from your favorite barista? You know, the ones laden with added sugar, heavy cream, and lots of calories? These fatty beverages can affect how your body's metabolism works. In addition, too much saturated fat can also lead to build-up of plaque in your arteries and heart disease.
Keep your metabolism revving: Read the ingredient list of your favorite beverage and modify it to decrease the saturated fat and added sugar. Alternatively, opt for more water in your diet or look for those "fun" drinks that are lower in calories, saturated fat, and added sugar—or make your own like in this Strawberry Lemonade.