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11 Costco Finds Shoppers Say They "Can't Stop Eating"

These dangerously delicious Costco finds vanish fast, fans say.

Costco has a huge variety of very sensible goods available—paper towels, cleaning products, organic milk, toilet paper, socks, and much more. But Costco also sells serious tasty, delicious treats and hidden gems (hello, bakery Tuxedo cake) that shoppers end up consuming so quickly, there's barely any chance to share (even if they wanted to). Including snacks and sweets, these items are downright dangerous to keep around. Here are 11 Costco products so addictively good, shoppers say they "need help."

Kirkland Chocolate Crepes

Kirkland Chocolate Crepes

The Kirkland Signature Chocolate Crepes are good, members pilfer them from family. "They're so good. I can't buy them because they're too good," one shopper said. "Highly addictive, on my way through demolishing my 8th box this year. I need help," another commented. "I got one box and thought: 'oh ok, one tray is mine and other's my husband'. There's no husband tray. I had them all 🤣," a third admitted.

Savanna Honey Roasted Nut Mix

Savanna Orchards Honey Roasted Nut & Pistachios

Don't get the Savanna Honey Roasted Nut Mix ($38.99) and expect it to last long (or to not cause injuries!). "Not allowed to buy this or the cashews butter toffee," one shopper admitted. "I have cut myself on the inner rim because I was trying to scoop up all the delicious honey salt dust at the bottom of the can," another said.

Girl Scouts Coconut Caramel Bites

Girl Scouts Coconut Caramel Bites

The Girl Scouts Coconut Caramel Bites are so good they almost caused a riot. "I'm a sample lady and handed these out the other day. I physically could not drop them into the sample cups fast enough before they got taken. People would have just vacuumed them straight out of the bag if possible," one employee revealed. "I bought a couple bags a while back, and I'm glad my store is out of them now. I end up eating them until I'm sick," a shopper admitted.

20 Best Costco Products Under $5 Right Now

La Jolla Baking Company Focaccia Bread

La Jolla Focaccia Artisan Breads

Really good bread is something guaranteed to disappear quickly, and the La Jolla Baking Company focaccia bread is no exception, Costco members say. "A dangerous product for our house," one San Diego-based Redditor shared. "This is SO GOOD. My bf surprise picked this up this weekend and we've been having it as a side with chicken tortilla soup," another raved.

Nonni's Biscottini Limoncello Bites

Nonni's Limoncello Biscotti Bites

Don't get Nonni's Biscottini Limoncello Bites from Costco unless you want trouble. "These are so addicting and the perfect size," one Redditor shared, adding that the little bites are both crunchy and airy. "I bought limoncello almonds ones, the bag was gone in 3 days. Never again lol," one shopper admitted.

Tate's Bake Shop Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Cookie Bark

Tate's Bake Shop Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Cookie Bark

One amazed shopper called the Tate's Bake Shop Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Cookie Bark "one of the most dangerous Costco items I've ever purchased", because it's that good. "I knew Tate's cookies were really good bagged cookies. What I didn't anticipate was how much better they'd be ENROBED IN DARK CHOCOLATE WITH SEA SALT. I cannot buy these again. Don't let me buy these again. I'm helpless in their midst. Seriously. Danger danger," the Redditor said. "OMG. Everyone who has had this at my house agrees it is dangerous to keep on hand. So tasty, it is easy to eat an entire bag," another agreed.

Muddy Bites Waffle Cone Sticks

 Muddy Bites Waffle Cone Snack, Peanut Butter Chocolate

The Muddy Bites Waffle Cone Sticks are so good, customers want other Costco members to be quiet about it "As soon as I opened the bag I couldn't stop eating it I feel so guilty noooooooooo!!!!" one said. "Stop advertising it LOL," another responded.

Hoody's Peanut Butter Chocolate Mix

Hoody's Peanut Butter Chocolate Mix

Shoppers cannot control themselves around the Hoody's Peanut Butter Chocolate Mix. "I cleared a container in about 3 days if that helps," one Redditor responded to a person asking how good the mix was. "Yeah, be VERY careful with these. There are unsubstantiated rumors that some people who ingested them ended up addicted and had to go to Chocoholics Anonymous," another joked.

8 Most Surprising Items I Found at Costco This Week

Salted Caramel Pretzel Iced Cake Cookies

Superior on Main Salted Caramel Pretzel Iced Cookies

The Superior on Main Salted Caramel Pretzel Iced Cake Cookies are a "dangerous new addiction" and impossible to stretch out over time. "Yeah that's one of those things I have to look at and say I just shouldn't buy," one Costco member said. "Like there's no plausible way I meter out those 24 cookies over however many months such that I'm not cultivating mass while simultaneously curtailing all other junk to compensate. Maybe if I need to give a classroom full of children celebratory treats or something."

Lemarie Patissier Mini Pancakes

lemarie mini pancakes

The Lemarie Patissier Mini Pancakes humbled more than one Costco member. "I hate when people say food is 'dangerous' sarcastically… But these are dangerous. I made the mistake of trying one on the way home and that turned into eating a bunch of them and now half the bags gone," one shopper said. "They are very good but my warehouse doesn't carry them anymore," another commented (to which the original poster said "sorry for your loss".

David's Butter Pecan Meltaways

david's cookies butter pecan meltawats

David's Butter Pecan Meltaways ($49.99) "should be banned", shoppers say. "Way too dangerous but I fall for it every time," one Redditor commented. "Last year the taste seemed off to me which was a blessing as I usually eat waaay too much of them," another said. "But a couple weeks ago I decided to eat what I had leftover and I guess something was up with my taste buds last year or they changed again this year. I don't think I'll have enough will power to not buy and overeat these again this year 😭 ."

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more about Ferozan
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