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The #1 Best Costco Pasta Sauce, According to Shoppers

One shopper swapped Rao’s for Classico, sparking a heated Costco debate.

Costco isn't known to have the most extensive assortment of goods. However, the warehouse generally tries to carry the best of the best. Take pasta sauce, for instance. You won't find ten different marinara options, but you can choose from a few of the most highly rated. Recently, one shopper was faced with deciding which to buy – Rao's versus Classico – and judging from a photo shared by another shopper on Reddit, opted for the less expensive version. The selection was controversial, and over 500 people had opinions.

"Choices were made"

"Choices were made, lol. What do you think?" the original poster wrote, alongside a photo of a wall full of Classico Organic Pasta Sauce with the Rao's Marinara left behind. The three jars of Classico were on sale—three jars for $8.79—less than $3 each—while the Rao's usually retail for around $12 for two, double the price.

Here Is What Team Rao's Had to Say

rao's homemade marinara sauce

"Rao's would have still been my choice!" was undoubtably the most popular commented, like by 1,200 people. "Bad choices were made," agreed another Rao's fan. "Raos or bust" and "Raos all day" were two other comments in the feed. "Even with the $4 coupon, I'd rather have Rao's," another said.

Team Classico Chimed In

Classico Organic Pasta Sauce

Not everyone agreed. "Subjective. I find this much better than Rao's. But I know most people in this sub disagree with me and that's okay," one team Classico person commented. "Still a fan of Rao's, but kinda burned out on it. This Classico is better imo," added another.

Classico Has Added Sugar

Sugar in spoon

Other shoppers pointed out that Classico has added sugar and Rao's does not. "Easily Rao's esp after seeing the relative sugar content," one said.

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But Rao's Is Higher in Sodium

Salt spilling from salt shaker

However, another interjected that Rao's is higher in sodium. "I like both, but Classico has less sodium. I have to watch that with my BP. But if Rao was less, I'd probably get it instead," they wrote.

For Some, It Boiled Down to Price

Purse with dollars in their hands.

For many others, the decision simply came down to price. "4 bucks, is 4 bucks – save were you can. thats 2 2/3 hotdogs," a frugal shopper noted. "Good to know. Love Raos but getting too rich for my blood," another agreed.

Others Suggested a Third Option: Kirkland

KIrkland Marinara Sauce

A third option was also presented: "Get the Kirkland sauce on the right.. one of the best jarred pasta sauce I have ever had," one wrote. "Me too, way better than Rao's but I just need to add a bit salt and olive oil for that perfection. "In terms of price per value, no sauce is even close," another agreed. "I love that one, it won't appeal to the masses because in the US we're used to everything being overly sugary and overly salty, it's a subtle very fresh flavor that feels like you might find it in Italy," a third said.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more about Leah
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