Costco Shoppers Are Divided Over a Popular Frozen Meal

Whether you're short on time or don't feel like cooking, heating up a Costco frozen meal could be just what you need to get dinner on the table. And the warehouse club has no shortage of popular options, but one frozen item in particular recently sparked a wave of discussion among customers, who are divided over whether this product is fantastic or underwhelming.
This week, one Reddit user shared an image of Costco's Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna (410 calories per cup), which features two trays of lasagna made with 100% USDA Choice-grade ground beef chuck, vine-ripened tomatoes, whole milk ricotta, and mozzarella cheese.
The Reddit user called the frozen item "just ok," adding that the sauce "has a little bit of a weird taste" but praised the ingredient ratio. They concluded that the lasagna is "definitely better than most found in regular grocery store freezers." The recent post prompted a variety of opinions from Costco shoppers and has accumulated nearly 200 comments.
Within the thread, many of the comments were rave reviews of the product.
"I love it! I've made lasagna enough from scratch that it is well worth the time and effort saved. Also love that they switched from one giant package to two smaller ones," one shopper wrote.
"Kirkland lasagna is great. They don't skimp on the meat and cheese, and you get a lot for ~$17. It serves 6 (or just 1 if you are me) and it's a 2 pack. So that's essentially $1.50 for a big slice of tasty lasagna," another one added.
Some went as far as calling the Kirkland Signature product the best frozen lasagna.
However, this frozen meal isn't a hit for everyone.
While multiple commenters called the lasagna "too sweet," others noted their preference for the warehouse club's beef lasagna. There were also a few commenters who asserted the superiority of Trader Joe's frozen lasagna.
"The Trader Joe's one is a lasagna enough for four people, delicious, and it's only $7," one fan wrote.
"Quality of the Costco one feels a tad better but the Trader Joe's one takes the cake for the flavor I prefer," another one commented.

Others shared ways to enhance the Kirkland Signature lasagna, such as overcooking it or adding more cheese and seasoning.
The Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna isn't the only Costco product eliciting strong opinions from shoppers. Earlier this month, warehouse club members took to Reddit to air their grievances about the bakery department's muffins. While some critiqued the product's texture, others expressed their desire for the baked good to be smaller.