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Costco Shoppers Are Reporting an Issue With a Popular Fresh Produce Item

The product isn't living up to customer expectations.
FACT CHECKED BY Justine Goodman

Costco is no stranger to produce-related complaints, with shoppers repeatedly taking to the internet to report quality issues. Now, warehouse club members are expressing their qualms with yet another item in the produce department.

This week, one shopper created a Reddit thread, listing off issues with the retailer's Honeycrisp apples, even proposing a conspiracy theory that the fruit isn't what it claims to be. The Redditor noted that the apples' skin is "too uniform in color," while "the flesh isn't as hard and crunchy as it should be," adding, "the sweetness is "off."

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The post quickly garnered nearly 250 comments, which included many similar complaints.

"As soon as I read the post I had the same thoughts. My go-to now is pink lady," one Reddit user wrote.

"I'm so glad to read this! They definitely don't taste like Honeycrisp apples I purchase from any other store! They're not as good!" another one added.

Within the thread, some Redditors offered possible explanations behind the fruit being disappointing, with several highlighting the importance of the apple's growing environment.

The University of Minnesota, which developed Honeycrisp apples and released them to the public in 1991, notes on its website that the fruit "may not color as well in warmer climates." Additionally, the flavor could be "mild in warmer climates if harvested early or if trees are heavily cropped."

With this in mind, some users pointed out the superiority of Minnesota-grown Honeycrisps, while a few concluded that apples from a local orchard reign supreme over those from a grocery store. "It's just night and day in comparison," one Reddit user said.

Others questioned whether the apples are being stored properly.

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In response to the complaints about Honeycrisp apples, many also offered alternative recommendations, with Cosmic Crisp and Envy apples being popular picks among Redditors.

Costco's Honeycrisp apples aren't the only fruit to receive criticism on Reddit over the last few months. In November, multiple shoppers aired their grievances about the retailer's avocados, noting how quickly the produce spoils. Others shared that they no longer purchase their avocados from the warehouse club because of this issue.

Brianna Ruback
Brianna is a staff writer at Eat This, Not That! She attended Ithaca College, where she graduated with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Communication Studies. Read more about Brianna
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