How One Costco Shopper Scored a Giant Brisket for $1.34

In case you didn't know, people are so fanatic about Costco that there is an entire Reddit group of over 933,000 people devoted to the warehouse. In the feed, shoppers share everything from the latest products and best deals to photos of the strangest items they have stashed around the store. There is even a category titled "My Mislabled Moment" dedicated to items people have found with the wrong price tag. This happens frequently, to the extent that some shoppers always search for a mislabeled bargain. One of the most recent discoveries? One shopper found a large brisket for under $1.50. Here is why everyone is talking about it.
"$1.34 for a whole brisket!" the original poster commented, sharing a photo of the vacuum-sealed piece of meat. The weight was several pounds more than the 0.28 label, so the shopper scored a unicorn of a deal.

Another person shared a similar brisket story. "This happened to me one time! I got a brisket for $3.11. I looked over my shoulder, then more or less ran to the checkout line. To this day, we still talk about the blessings that were bestowed upon us that day — proof of a loving god tbh," another chimed in.
Other shoppers added that they had similar experiences with other types of meat and fish. "I also check ribs and king crab because of this sub," another added. "I also check salmon. I got lucky once with salmon and I never forget," one person said. "My wife got king crab for like $8 a couple years ago. Keep looking!!" another revealed.
Many others expressed envy. "I look at the labels of every damn brisket each time I visit Costco thanks to post like these, but I still think my day will never come," one person commented. "I saw that someone won the lottery and now I'm going to manifest the same thing for myself," says another Redditor.

A few people were in disbelief. "Is it really THAT common to find prices like this? I mean I would buy it if I found a label like OP, but I would've just assumed it was some sort of 'error' when weighing or pricing," someone asked.
One even suggested that Costco does this intentionally. "Anyone ever wonder if they do this on purpose? The frequency of posts like this just seems too coincidental and I've got to think the small loss they take is more than made up for by people spending more in hopes of winning the Costco lottery. I mean I don't need anything but now I want to go see if there might be one of these sitting in my Costco but even if there isn't you know I'm not getting out of the place for less than $100," one said.
"I gotta know what happened when you got to the checkout!" one person pondered. "They have to honour the price. Customers luck," one person responded. "These scale items will simply ring at the price the label states, because the weight/price is built into the barcode on the label. The register has no idea what the meat weighs and it trusts the info built into the barcode. What you said applies for pre-packaged items with a set price," another said.