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6 Costco Bargains Employees Say You Should Always Buy

These are the must-have items employees are obsessed with.

Seasoned Costco members know what they love from the warehouse chain, and what to stock up on every time—but only employees have the real scoop on what the best deals are. When you spend all day surrounded by grocery bakery, deli, household products, and much more, you naturally have an insider advantage on what the store's must-haves are. These employees frequently share their opinions online, and the customers definitely seem to be on the same page with recommended grocery products. Here are 6 Costco deals that come highly-recommended by Costco employees.

Deli Turkey Sandwiches


The Costco deli turkey sandwiches are a hit with employees. "As a Costco employee I go for the four pack turkey sandwiches from the deli. Usually comes up to 10 to $12. I eat one a day and keep the rest in the break room fridge. Keeps me full for an 8 hour shift… They're on a sprouted grain bread it's firmer so it doesn't absorb liquids and get soggy," one staff member shared on Reddit. "I've always wondered if these were worth trying. Compared to the roast beef sandwich in the food court this is a great value," one shopper responded.

Zalea Peaches


One employee said they bought the Zalea Peaches In Light Syrup, and absolutely love it. "Just ate one. Leagues ahead of those canned peaches. The syrup is not cloyingly sweet or thick and you can just straight up add some ice and water to get a nice drink out of it. My dad used the syrup and peach to make a cocktail with white rum and some mint," they said.

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Rotisserie Chicken

Los Angeles, CA,USA, October 12th 2021, Kirkland brand seasoned rotisserie chickens for sale at a Costco Mega Discount StoreShutterstock

The $5 rotisserie chicken is one of the best deals available at the chain, one employee told Southern Living. "You can't beat it for $4.99," the Costco staff member said. "It's always fresh and so versatile and an extremely economical meal for a family. If you wanted, you could even boil or roast the bones for broth."

Realgood Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Strips


One Costco employee said they relied on the Realgood Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Strips. "The only real good thing from Realgood, and the best macros of any nugget out there. I haven't seen these at Costco in months and I need them to come back! I'm on a diet and these were a total game changer. The Just Bare and Kirkland brand strips don't even come close," one Redditor said.

Quinoa Salad


The Costco Kirkland Signature quinoa salad is so good one employee was desperate for the recipe after leaving the job. "I used to work at Costco and I started eating the quinoa salad on my lunches my last few months of employment, I always enjoyed it," they said. "I've since finished school and moved away and gotten a new job but I still shop there bc it has a special lil place in my heart. The quinoa salad is so good. I don't even know how I never get tired of it. Every time I go grocery shopping, I get a whole container of it and eat the entire thing in a day. Sometimes I get one after work and destroy the whole thing on my commute home."

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Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets


One Costco employee told Business Insider the Kirkland Signature Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets are a must-have, and shoppers agree. "They are so, so good. We bought two containers the other day. So much better and cheaper than Aldi or Trader Joe's. Problem is calories, LOL. About eight are 120, so have to eat with care, ha ha," one member shared.

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more about Ferozan
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