7 Hacks You Can Do With a Can of Coke

Few things are more refreshing than a cold can of Coke, but did you know it can be used for so much more than a delicious drink? If you have some cans sitting around at home, you can make a variety of recipes, a fun project or even use it to clean some household items. With these hacks, you can learn how to make the most out of your cans of Coke.
From glazing hot wings to making a delicious chocolate cake, Coke can be so much more than a can of soda. Here are a few clever hacks you can try next time you have a can of coke on your hands.
Cook up some wings.

The beauty of chicken wings is the neverending variety of sauces they can be paired with—but did you know that you can also top them with a Coca Cola glaze? The recipe, which was popularized in Asia in the '90s is fairly simple and can be made just using a wok. This results in a super sticky wing with a delicious Coke-flavored glaze.
Make pot roast.

Have you ever had a pot roast made with Coke? If you haven't, you won't know what hit you when you try this slow cooker recipe. A can of coke can give pot roast an incredible amount of flavor, and one of the juiciest roasts you've ever experienced.
Bake a cake.

Sure, traditional cake flavors are great, but wouldn't you like to take a big bite of cake and have it be even more delicious after you add in some Coca Cola? Try our Coca Cola cake recipe for a chocolatey creation with Coca Cola poured into the cake, as well as the frosting. The warm frosting poured onto a warm cake leads to the frosting allows the frosting to seep into the cake, making it moister and sweeter.
Get rid of stains.

You know that one stain in your favorite shirt that your washing machine can never completely get out? Next time, try a can of Coke. Along with your regular detergent, pour a can of Coke into your washing machine and let the soda do the work. The acids inside of the coke help to break down the stains and remove them from your clothing.
Coke doesn't just do the laundry for you either—it can also get rid of oil stains left on pavement. Just pour a can of room temperature Coke over the stain and let it sit for several hours before you wipe or rinse it away.
Get your car windshield squeaky-clean.

If you're like us, you've likely ran out of windshield wiper fluid several times trying to get rid of the spots on your car's windshield. Did you know there is another liquid you could be using the clean things up? Instead of watching your wiper blades repeatedly go over the same spot to no avail, use a can of Coke. You can pour the soda straight onto your windshield and watch as your wiper blades wash the stains away.
Be sure to wash your windshield afterward. Otherwise, it will remain sticky from the soda, and make sure to put down a towel at the bottom of your windshield, or another item that will help to prevent the Coke's acidity from damaging your car's paint job.
Start a compost pile.

Looking for the best way to get a start your compost pile? Coca Cola may be the ingredient you've been hoping for. The sugary acids found in a can of Coke (make sure it's flat) are known to attract the microorganisms that break down compost piles.
Make a pie.

Coca Cola and pecan pie are two icons of the south—so why not put them together? Coca Cola can be used as an ingredient for homemade pecan pie by reducing a large amount of the liquid so it resembles a sticky syrup, and can be used similarly to corn syrup. Putting these two together will make for a perfectly-paired southern dessert.
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