11 Unhealthiest Bottled Coffee Drinks—Ranked by Sugar

A staggering 73 percent of us drink coffee every single day, according to a 2024 Statista report. Brewing a pot comes with a multitude of benefits, such as better heart and brain health — but opting for sugary ready-to-drink lattes is a different story.
Many store-bought coffee drinks are riddled with added sugar—some contain the maximum recommended amount in a day. FYI, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends getting no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day for women and a maximum of 36 grams per day for men. Taking in too much added sugar is linked to a higher risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other serious chronic illnesses.
Picking up a sweet coffee beverage on the reg could mean you'll be drinking a full day's worth of sugar before even biting into breakfast. To make sure your morning java habit isn't messing with your health, get familiar with some of the worst coffee drinks at the grocery store, which we've ranked by sugar from bad to worse. If these are a mainstay in your a.m., try limiting them to a once-in-a-blue-moon treat. And when you need something a little more special than black coffee, try these 5 Easy Coffee Recipes For Weight Loss.
Califia Farms Mocha With Almondmilk

We love Califia Farms for offering a variety of delicious plant-based milks, creamers, and coffee drinks. However, the Almondmilk Mocha Latte isn't on our favorite list — it has 16 grams of sugar, 15 grams of which are added sugar. Instead of going for this chocolatey latte, opt for a glass of the brand's unsweetened black coffee with a splash of their almond milk creamer, which is low in sugar and comes in scrumptious flavors like Cookie Butter and Hazelnut Almond.
Barissimo Mocha Iced Coffee

Aldi is known to house a bunch of healthy brands, but this Barissimo Mocha Iced Coffee doesn't make the cut. One serving packs 22 grams of sugar, which is nearly a full day's worth for women. It's sweetened with two sources of the sweet stuff, including regular sugar and corn syrup, which is high-glycemic. High-glycemic foods tend to cause a rapid spike in blood sugar followed by a crash, leading to lower energy levels… which is exactly what you're trying to avoid by drinking coffee.
Black Rifle Coffee Espresso With Cream

With 200 milligrams of caffeine per can, Black Rifle's Espresso With Cream drink is sure to give you the pre-workout buzz you're vying after. Still, that energy boost won't justify the 23 grams of sugar in this can. It's also worth noting that the FDA recommends capping your daily caffeine intake to no more than 400 milligrams. Since this drink gets you halfway there, you'll want to make sure to limit how much coffee you drink during the rest of the day, and avoid sipping the stimulant too late in the day so that it doesn't interfere with your sleep.
Starbucks Tripleshot Caramel Espresso

Starbucks' canned caramel coffee drink contains a triple shot of espresso and a double dose of sugar. A staggering 29 grams of sugar come from sources including table sugar, maltodextrin, and dextrose. Plus, it has 200 milligrams of sodium, which is 8 percent of your daily value — that's a significant chunk of salt to drink before lunchtime.
International Delight Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee

Caramel macchiatos are known to be rich and decadent, and this iced coffee from International Delight isn't any less indulgent. With 29 grams of sugar, this caramelly coffee contains as much sugar as a full-size Snickers bar. Instead of reaching for this pick, brew a pot of regular coffee and splash in a bit of the International Delight Caramel Macchiato Cold Foam Creamer, which has just 3 grams of sugar and 20 calories for a two-tablespoon serving.
Dunkin' Brownie Batter Donut Iced Coffee

Inspired by the chain's brownie batter donut, this canned coffee namesake is just as sugary and caloric as many pastries on Dunkin's menu. In fact, opting for the Chocolate Frosted Donut instead of this iced coffee can save you a whopping 17 grams of sugar — that's more than 4 teaspoons' worth of the sweet stuff.
International Delight Mocha Iced Coffee Cans

International Delight's ready-to-drink coffees don't only come in bulk-sized cartons; they also come in cans that you can grab and take on the go. However, the Mocha Iced Coffee can isn't any better than the brand's Caramel Macchiato. Each can has 36 grams of sugar, 28 grams of which are added sugars. Translation: One drink supplies more than a full day's worth of added sugar for women.
Dunkin' Original Iced Coffee

This simple coffee and milk drink from Dunkin' seems innocuous, but it manages to sneak in 28 grams of added sugar… And that's just for the Original flavor. Pick up a bottle of the French Vanilla or Mocha, and you'll take in 30 grams of added sugar.
Community Coffee Vanilla Waffle Cone Iced Latte

The decadent-sounding "vanilla waffle cone" flavor probably clued you into how sugary this coffee beverage is. Indeed, one bottle comes packed with 31 grams of added sugar, which is equivalent to the amount of sugar found in 1 ¾ cones of vanilla ice cream. If you don't intend on spooning into soft-serve for breakfast, then skip Community Coffee's inspired latte.
Hostess Twinkies Iced Latte

Hostess manages to turn your favorite childhood treat into a latte. And while it may be tempting to pick up a bottle of this Twinkies Iced Latte when you spot it in the grocery store, take it from many reviewers who call it "way too sweet." After all, one bottle contains a whopping 46 grams of sugar (34 grams of which are added), which brings women about 36 percent over their daily added sugar limit recommended by the AHA.
The Highest-Sugar Bottled Coffee Is… Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee Drink

Starbucks' notorious frappuccino is no better when you buy it bottled versus in a sippy cup from the brick-and-mortar shop. This classic coffee drink contains 47 grams of total sugar with 34 grams of added sugar — that's more than many folks are recommended to consume in an entire day. When it comes to coffee, going unsweetened (say, black coffee with a splash of your favorite milk), is best on the daily. But when you're craving a frappuccino as an occasional treat, try customizing your drink at a local Starbucks by opting for low-fat milk and sugar-free syrup and skipping the whip.