The #1 Best Vegetable To Eat, According to a Dietitian

Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts—oh my! These are just a few of the hearty veggies in a larger class of produce called cruciferous vegetables. As a dietitian, I advocate for eating a variety of vegetables. However, if I had to discriminate, the cruciferous vegetables would be my top choice for the best vegetable to eat! These veggies are loaded with nutrients, fiber, and cancer-fighting effects.
Cruciferous veggies are loaded with water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Namely, they are packed with vitamin C, A, E, and K. Vitamin C assists in collagen formation, keeping your hair, skin, and nails growing healthily. Fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K work together to support our immune system and promote anti-aging. Eat a variety of these veggies and they will keep you looking and feeling healthy for years to come. (Related: The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now)
Cruciferous vegetables are part of the Brassica family. This class of veggies is known for being high in fiber and plays a critical role in digestive health. If you find these veggies hard to digest because they are high in fiber, try cooking them instead of eating them raw. Members of the Brassica veggie family are known for containing detox-promoting enzymes. You can boost your body's natural ability to eliminate toxins as a result of including these powerhouses in your diet.
If you find yourself turning down the Brussels sprouts, maybe you haven't found a way to prepare them that you enjoy yet! Take a look at these savory recipes to find some inspiration.
Cruciferous veggies are also associated with cancer-fighting properties. These veggies contain glucosinolates which have been linked with decreased cancer risk by neutralizing cancer cells in the body. No wonder they are considered the best vegetable to eat!
Looking for more cancer-fighting foods? Look no further! Check out these 50 Cancer-Fighting Foods.