The #1 Best Supplement For Belly Bloat, Say Dietitians

Ah, the dreaded belly bloat. We have all experienced this uncomfortable sensation before, whether after eating a heavy meal, during a long day of air travel, or experiencing digestive irregularity that is often experienced on vacations.
While underlying health conditions, like food intolerances and gastrointestinal disorders, can lead to chronic bloat and may require a more comprehensive treatment plan to manage, for many people, belly bloat is a transient symptom experienced occasionally and often related to a departure from normal eating and lifestyle habits. (Read more: 12 Warning Signs You Have Poor Gut Health.)
For the times you indulge in a heavy holiday meal or splurge on your favorite indulgence, I have you covered with the best supplement to reduce your belly bloat: a capsule that contains digestive enzymes to reduce bloat and potent botanicals to soothe digestive issues.
The digestive-supporting ingredients to look for in supplements for belly bloat.
When choosing a supplement to aid in belly bloat there are a few key ingredients that should be present to maximize effectiveness.
Digestive enzymes

Your body makes many different types of enzymes that help with all sorts of processes in your body. Digestive enzymes, specifically, are designed to break down the food you have consumed into their most simple components to help your body maximize absorption.
Each of us has a unique balance of these digestive enzymes, and occasionally they can get out of balance and impact how you are able to digest and absorb food. It is possible that consuming excessive amounts of fluid in a short period of time can dilute these enzymes and impact their effectiveness, and, for others, they may naturally produce fewer enzymes and may consequently experience bloat more often.
In either scenario, taking digestive enzymes after eating may help in improving the digestive process and reducing bloat.

You may have heard of ginger supplements used to alleviate nausea, and, similarly, ginger can aid in digestion and reduce bloat.
Ginger contains unique properties that help it to calm intestinal activity and remove gas from the intestines, limiting the amount of bloat that occurs.
Additionally, ginger also can slightly thin blood, allowing for improved circulation and oxygen delivery to all tissues of the body, including the digestive organs.
Consuming ginger as part of a supplement, or enjoying pickled ginger or ginger candies after a meal are all ways to reap the digestive benefits of ginger to fight your bloat.

Surely you have been to a restaurant that offered peppermints after a meal. While this can help with that post-meal garlic breath, it may actually aid in digestion as well.
Similar to ginger, peppermint has properties that relax the muscles of the digestive tract allowing gas to release and limiting the build-up that may present itself as bloat.
Peppermint can be consumed in different ways to achieve the anti-bloating effects. While a belly bloat supplement may contain peppermint that may reduce bloat, you can also enjoy peppermint tea after a meal to ward of bloat.
READ MORE: Secret Side Effects of Drinking Tea, Says Science

Perhaps you have seen fennel as part of a salad, or maybe you noticed its flavors baked into bread. The fennel bulb is often eaten raw while the seeds are usually consumed dried in whole or powdered form.
While its unique flavor adds a punch to meals, fennel also possesses properties that improve digestion and reduce the likelihood of bloat. It does this by providing a rich source of fiber that also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and, may also relax the intestinal muscles alleviating gas. Some may choose to chew fennel seeds after a meal for the digestive benefit, but if that doesn't appeal to you, the supplemental form is a great option.
My favorite branded supplement for belly bloat.
One product I have found that encompasses all of these is HUM Flatter Me. This vegetable-based capsule is filled with a blend of 18 full-spectrum digestive enzymes that target protein, fat, carb, fiber, and milk sugar breakdown, along with an herbal blend of ginger, peppermint leaf, and fennel seed.
If you are experiencing frequent bouts of digestive bloat and have not been able to narrow down the culprit, it is best to talk with your doctor about possible etiologies.
While medical intervention may be necessary in some cases, using a supplement to alleviate bloat, like HUM, is an option that will likely help and is unlikely to come along with any negative side effects.
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Read more:
- Best Supplements for Belly Bloat, According to Science
- Bad Eating Habits That Cause Major Belly Bloat
- 20 Instant Belly Bloaters to Avoid