51 Best Lunch Foods for Weight Loss—Ranked

When it comes to weight loss, we all know that making our mid-day meal is better than buying it, but we'd be kidding ourselves if we didn't acknowledge that all lunch foods are not created equal.
Although some breads and salad toppers will supercharge your weight loss efforts, others will contribute nothing but empty calories to your plate, slowing your progress. To help you blast belly fat all afternoon long, the Eat This, Not That! research team leafed through the research and uncovered these 51 best-ever weight loss lunch foods. Add them to your brown bag to start uncovering your abs—stat! And for more easy ways to boost your calorie burn before the 4 p.m. slump, don't miss these 50 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds—Fast.
Sandwich breads were awarded points for high fiber and protein counts. To arrive at our final ranking, we subtracted points from the products that had high amounts of fat and or waist-widening additives.
Glutino Seeded Bread

Protein per slice: 1 g
Fiber per slice: < 1 g
Fat per slice: 3 g
Heartier–and closer in taste and appearance to regular bread–than its unappealing, gluten-free counterparts, this loaf is the perfect building block for a scrumptious sandwich. Plus, sunflower, flax and poppy seeds give it a decent hit of heart-healthy fats for hardly any calories. However, it loses points for its less-than-stellar protein-to-fat ratio. And speaking of fat, if you want to lose it, check out these 42 Ways to Lose 5 Inches of Belly Fat.
Arnold Country Oat Bread

Protein per slice: 4 g
Fiber per slice: 1 g
Fat per slice: 1.5 g
Each slice of this bread is crammed with three grams of sugar, and to make matters worse, oat bran isn't even the primary ingredient, despite its name. The bulk of this loaf is composed of flour and water, which explains its low fiber content. To discover more fiber-filled weight loss foods, check out these 30 Foods That Melt Love Handles.
Arnold Sandwich Thins Flax & Fiber

Protein per slice: 2.5 g
Fiber per slice: 2.5 g
Fat per slice: 0.5 g
These nutty-tasting Sandwich Thins will help keep you, well, thin! Protein and fiber supply more than a third of these calories, which will keep you satisfied—not stuffed. If you're worried that this low-cal lunchtime alternative won't be enough to keep you full through the afternoon, add plenty of water-filled veggies and some of the 11 Best High-Fiber Foods for Weight Loss to your sandwich.
Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain 15 Grain

Protein per slice: 5 g
Fiber per slice: 3 g
Fat per slice: 2 g
A sandwich made from this bread provides just under 25 percent of the day's hunger-crushing fiber and 16 percent of the day's niacin, a vitamin that helps convert food to energy. (The more easily your food converts to energy, the more quickly you'll shed pounds!) Plus, it's free of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is becoming a rarity in the bread aisle. Make a sandwich with this bread and pair it with a serving of one of these 20 Best-Ever Fat Burning Soups!
Martin's 100% Whole Wheat Potato Bread

Protein per slice: 6 g
Fiber per slice: 2 g
Fat per slice: 1 g
This whole-wheat potato bread is the perfect vessel for all your favorite sandwiches. The whole wheat adds a potent fiber punch, and the 6 grams of protein will help you reach your better-body goals in no time by maintaining your hard-earned lean muscle mass. We deducted points because Martin spikes his bread with soybean oil, an additive that may lead to weight gain.
Looking for more ways to eat your favorite carbs and still drop pounds? Check out these 25 Best Carbs That Uncover Your Abs!
Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Low Sodium Sprouted Whole Grain Bread

Protein per slice: 4 g
Fiber per slice: 3 g
Fat per slice: 0.5 g
The millet, spelt, lentils and cholesterol-lowering barley in this slightly sweet loaf help boost its fiber, a nutrient that wards off hunger while keeping the nutrient profile sound— each slice has just 80 calories. Pair your Ezekiel sandwich with a cup of one of these weight loss teas to boost the waist-whittling benefits even further!
Cheeses were given points for being low in calories and high in protein. Those high in saturated fat lost points.
Sargento Colby & Monterey Jack
Calories per slice: 70
Saturated fat per slice: 4 g
Protein per slice: 4 g
Sargento slices its cheeses thinner than the competition, which cuts calories without sacrificing any of its mild yet sweet flavors. Add the stuff to a sandwich or nosh on a slice along with one of these high protein snacks.
Horizon Organic American Singles
Calories per slice: 60
Saturated fat per slice: 3 g
Protein per slice: 3 g
If you're looking for an all-purpose sandwich topper, this is one of the best bets. While Kraft Singles "pasteurized prepared cheese product" has 17 ingredients, this one has only seven. So although it still isn't as great as an unprocessed cheese, it's far better than its competition. Bonus: A single slice serves up 10 percent of the day's bone-building calcium—pretty darn good for a 60-calorie slice of yellow.
Borden Natural Pepper Jack Cheese Slices
Calories per slice: 60
Saturated fat per slice: 3 g
Protein per slice: 3 g
This pepper jack cheese gets a kick of flavor from the addition of sweet red peppers, and it revs the metabolism thanks to the flecks of jalapeños. (Which is why we ranked it higher than Horizon). The thin slicing makes it easy to kick up the heat of your favorite sandwich without adding a ton of calories or saturated fat.
The Laughing Cow Original Creamy Swiss
Calories per wedge: 50 calories
Saturated fat per wedge: 2.5 g
Protein per wedge: 2 g
This creamy cheese spreads every bit as easily and tastes just as good as its competitor, Alouette, but has half the calories. Smear it on your midday meal to add flavor for very few calories.
Eat This! Tip
Still hungry after lunch? Nosh on a banana and be sure to check out these 21 Amazing Things Bananas Do To Your Body!
To rank each sandwich condiment, we looked at their calorie, fat and sodium counts, deducting points for spreads with nutritionally void calories and granting points to those low in sodium and fat.
Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil
Calories per tablespoon: 35
Fat per tablespoon: 3
Sodium per tablespoon: 95 mg
Monounsaturated fatty acids might actually facilitate the breakdown of fat, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests. The olive oil used in this jar has more than three times as many monounsaturates as the soybean oil used in regular mayo, making it the best mayonnaise for your waistline.
Three Bridges Superfood Pesto Sauce
Calories per tablespoon: 70
Fat per tablespoon: 6.8
Sodium per tablespoon: 110 mg sodium
Think beyond the mayo and mustard, and top your sandwich with a tasty, flavorful low-sodium spread like pesto. Though it's higher in calories and fat than the competition, the fats are healthy, satiating ones that come from canola and olive oil, so we're giving this the green light. Plus, it's made solely with whole food ingredients like kale and pine nuts, which is why it fares better than the mayo, despite its higher calorie count.
Tessemae's All Natural Honey Mustard
Calories per tablespoon: 30
Fat per tablespoon: 0
Sodium per tablespoon: 270
Though other honey mustards have slightly lower sugar counts, Tessemae's variety is the only one that can claim it's both low in calories and free of caramel coloring. The artificial dye has been proven to cause cancer in animals and is a possible carcinogen for humans. And speaking of scary supermarket foods, be sure to check out these 150 Worst Packaged Foods in America.
Cedar's Classic Original Hommus

Calories per tablespoon: 30
Fat per tablespoon: 2.3
Sodium per tablespoon: 57
A recent study published in the journal Obesity found people who ate a single serving a day of garbanzo beans or chickpeas (which forms the basis of hummus) each day reported feeling 31 percent fuller than their bean-less counterparts. Packed with fiber and protein, garbanzos have a low glycemic index, meaning that they break down slowly and keep you feeling full. Use it in place of mayo, for a similar flavor with far more health benefits.
Wholly Guacamole Classic Dip
Calories per tablespoon: 30
Fat per tablespoon: 2.5
Sodium per tablespoon: 52
If you're not a fan of mayo, guac makes an excellent flavor addition to sandwiches and burger buns alike. Avocado, a fruit that's filled with hunger-quelling oleic acid, is the first ingredient on Wholly Guacamole's nutrition label, making it our go-to pick. For some perspective, some other brands use less than 2 percent real avocado in their guacamole.
Looking for more ways to lose your love handles? Check out these 50 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds—Fast.
Grey Poupon Classic Dijon Mustard

Calories per tablespoon: 15
Fat per tablespoon: 0
Sodium per tablespoon: 360 mg
Eating just 1 teaspoon of low-cal mustard can increase your metabolism by up to 25 percent for several hours, according to researchers at England's Oxford Polytechnic Institute. For even more ways to rev your calorie-burning engine, check out these 55 Best-Ever Ways to Boost Your Metabolism.
Annie's Naturals Organic Horseradish Mustard
Calories per tablespoon: 15
Fat per tablespoon: 0
Sodium per tablespoon: 180 mg
Looking to add a quick kick of heat your go-to sandwich? Look no further than Annie's Naturals Organic Horseradish Mustard. This condiment is not only low in calories and sodium (a nutrient that can send blood pressure levels soaring if you down too much of it), but also made solely from wholesome ingredients—like mustard seed, cloves, apple cider vinegar and garlic—that you'd find right in your kitchen.
Unlike the other categories on this list, we've ranked the things here by their overall nutrition and health benefits. Foods that had multiple benefits earned extra points, as did things that have been shown to supercharge weight loss efforts.
Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts add texture to tired sandwiches for next-to-zero calories, but they also fail to provide any real health benefits in a standard serving size, which is why they rank low on our list.
Romaine Lettuce

Crunchy, refreshing romaine packs high levels of folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin that plays a role in battling depression.
Tomato Slices

Of all the non-starchy vegetables, Americans eat more tomatoes and tomato products than any others. And that's good news because dozens of studies suggest a relationship between regular intake of lycopene-rich tomatoes and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, skin damage and certain cancers.
Roasted Red Peppers

Not only do roasted red peppers make a great addition to a tasty midday sandwich, thanks to a metabolism-boosting compound, dihydrocapsiate, and their high vitamin C content, they can help you lose weight. A quarter-cup of the veggie serves up to an entire day's worth of vitamin C—a nutrient that counteracts stress hormones which trigger fat storage around the midsection. And for more foods and tricks that will help you slim down, check out these 20 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Like a Celebrity.
Sweet Pickle Chips

Add some crunch and an equally flavorful splash of brine by adding some pickles to the lineup. They're low-cal, filled with fiber and covered in vinegar—which is all good news for your waistline. In fact, just one large pickle has 15 calories and 2 grams of belly-filling fiber, so eating three or four can actually leave you feeling satiated for less than 100 calories! Plus, studies show acidic foods help increase the rate at which the body burns off carbs by up to 40 percent—and the faster you burn off carbs, the sooner your body starts to burn fat, which can help you get that lean look you crave.
Looking for an easy on-the-go lunch alternative? Check out these 56 Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss!

Per ¼ cup: 60 calories, 2.2 g fat (0.1 g saturated), 3 mg sodium, 2.3 g carbs, 2.5 g fiber, 0.3 g sugar, 0.8 g protein
"Avocados are a super addition to any sandwich that will help your body absorb vitamins A, D, E and K," notes registered dietitian Nicole Cormier. The creamy lunchtime addition is also a potent free-radical fighter and filled with monounsaturated fat which may actually prevent body fat distribution around the belly by down regulating the expression of certain fat genes.
Because all leafy salad greens are low-cal, we ranked them based on their Centers for Disease Control nutrient density score. The higher the score, the healthier the green.

Nutrient density score: 18.28
It's no surprise that this watery leaf runs aground when it comes to nutrition. "Iceberg lettuce is void of most — if not all — key vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, iron, calcium and magnesium," says Peggy Kotsopoulos, RHN, a nutritionist and author of Kitchen Cures. "In addition, it contains one of the lowest values of Vitamin A among leafy greens." (One cup has only about 7% of your recommended daily value.)

Nutrient density score: 37.65
You might love this bitter green in those trendy arugula-and-[insert local cheese] salads, but other greens leave it in the nutritional shade. "When it comes to percentage of daily values, arugula barely makes a dent with respect to key vitamins and minerals," says Kotsopoulos. One cup of arugula has only about 4% of your recommended daily value of Vitamin C.

Nutrient density score: 49.07
"Kale is an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, magnesium and absorbable calcium," says Kotsopoulos. It's also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, phytochemicals that ward off age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Nutrient density score: 63.48
Romaine lettuce packs high levels of folic acid, a water-soluble form of Vitamin B that's proven to boost male fertility. A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found supplemental folic acid to significantly increase sperm counts. Folate also plays a role in battling depression.

Nutrient density score: 86.43
Spinach is to kale what Michael Jordan is to LeBron James—the once unrivaled king now overshadowed by the hot new thing. But like MJ, spinach has a few more championship rings than its more current rival—primarily its position as a top source of biceps-building iron. And remember: The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest! Recent research also suggests that compounds in the leaf membranes called thylakoids may serve as a powerful appetite suppressant. For more ways to lose weight—without going hungry—check out these 50 Best-Ever Weight-Loss Secrets From Skinny People.

Nutrient density score: 100
A cup of watercress provides 4 calories. Yes, FOUR—so it's basically impossible to overeat the stuff! What's more, gram for gram this mild-tasting and flowery-looking green contains four times more beta carotene than an apple, and a whopping 238 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin K per 100 grams—two compounds that keep skin dewy and youthful. The beauty food is also the richest dietary source of PEITC (phenylethyl isothiocyanate), which research suggests can fight cancer. And speaking of the big C, ward off the disease by steering clear of these 9 Foods Most Likely to Cause Cancer.
Like the sandwich cheeses, these sprinkly salad cheeses were given points for being low in calories and high in protein. Then we axed points for those with a high saturated fat content.
Stella Crumbled Gorgonzola

Calories per ¼ cup: 110
Saturated fat per ¼ cup: 6
Protein per ¼ cup: 6
Though it's crumbly like feta, it packs more calories and fat, making it a "Not That" in our eyes.
Sargento Off the Block 4 Cheese Mexican
Calories per ¼ cup: 110 calories
Saturated fat per ¼ cup: 4.5 g
Protein per ¼ cup: 6 g
The number of fat calories can vary widely between seemingly similar cheese blends. In the case of this fiesta-inspired blend, 81 of it's 110 calories come from fat—which is a whopping 73 percent.
Cabot Cheese Fancy Blend Shredded Cheese

Calories per ¼ cup: 100
Saturated fat per ¼ cup: 4 g
Protein per ¼ cup: 7 g
The sharp cheddar in this blend pairs nicely with the milder, creamy mozzarella. This delicious pre-shredded duo can help you get lunch packed up in no time.
Athenos Traditional Crumbled Feta

Calories per ¼ cup: 70
Saturated fat per ¼ cup: 3.5 g
Protein per ¼ cup: 5 g
A reasonable fat-to-protein ratio makes feta the most reliable go-to crumbled cheese for salads and roasted veggies. Fair warning: if you're watching your sodium intake, be sure to keep portion sizes around the two-tablespoon mark. Feta tends to pack more salt than other cheeses, and this brand, which carries 200 milligrams per 1/4th cup, is no exception.
Cabot Creamery Part-Skim Mozzarella Natural Premium Shredded Cheese

Calories per ¼ cup: 80
Saturated fat per ¼ cup: 3 g
Protein per ¼ cup: 8 g
This naturally low-cal, high-protein cheese makes for a great addition to salads, pizzas and veggie dishes. Instead of cellulose (an organic compound found in wood, cotton and hemp), Cabot uses potato starch, corn starch and calcium sulfate (a natural food additive) to prevent caking. Curious which foods are overflowing with cellulose and other gross additives? Check out these 25 Things Fast Food Chains Don't Want You to Know.
We looked at calories, sodium and sugar content to determine the best dressing for your waistline. On all three accounts, the lower the better.
Cucina Antica Organic Caesar Dressing

Calories per 2 Tbsp: 80
Sodium per 2 Tbsp: 190 mg
Sugar per 2 Tbsp: <1 g
Cucina Antica uses Romano cheese–not an excess of cheap oil–to supply their dressing with a rich flavor for a fraction of the calories. This bottle has just enough fat (8 grams) to help your body absorb important vitamins from your plate of vegetables, but not so much that it counteracts your healthy salad selection. Despite all of its redeeming qualities, it's still not low-cal enough to earn the top spot on our list.
Kraft Roasted Red Pepper Italian with Parmesan

Calories per 2 Tbsp: 40
Sodium per 2 Tbsp: 349 mg
Sugar per 2 Tbsp: 3 g
The majority of this bottle is filled with vinegar and tomato puree (rich in cancer-fighting lycopene), a huge improvement over the typical oil-based formula.
Newman's Own Lite Low Fat Sesame Ginger

Calories per 2 Tbsp: 35
Sodium per 2 Tbsp: 330 mg
Sugar per 2 Tbsp: 4 g
Newman relegates oil to a supporting role so that vinegar, soy sauce and ginger can drive the flavor of this dressing. Although this bottle can be mixed in with just about any bed of greens, it really complements Asian-inspired salads that call for ingredients like mandarin oranges, sugar snap peas and almonds.
Annie's Naturals Lite Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

Calories per 2 Tbsp: 40
Sodium per 2 Tbsp: 125 mg
Sugar per 2 Tbsp: 3 g
Mustard, a condiment filed with metabolism-revving phytochemicals, is the main ingredient after water in this lightened-up take on standard honey mustard–a rarity for the classic creamy dressing. This salad topper adds a tangy, slightly sweet flavor to greens and can also be used as a grilled chicken marinade. For more weight loss-friendly foods, check out these 25 Best Foods for a Toned Body.
Annie's Naturals Lite Raspberry Vinaigrett

Calories per 2 Tbsp: 40
Sodium per 2 Tbsp: 55 mg
Sugar per 2 Tbsp: 4 g
Apple cider vinegar has been shown to lower cholesterol and boost weight loss, and it's one of the primary ingredients in this low-cal dressing. Pair it with spinach, watermelon, pecans and goat cheese to create a light summer salad that will shrink your belly—and your man boobs.
Bolthouse Farms Classic Balsamic Vinaigrette

Calories per 2 Tbsp: 30
Sodium per 2 Tbsp: 150 mg
Sugar per 2 Tbsp: 5 g
With a mere 30 calories per serving, this is one of the lightest vinaigrettes we've ever come across that doesn't sacrifice flavor. In fact, similar bottles we found had three times the calories and nine times the fat! Just another reason why Bolthouse is one of our favorite dressing producers.
A good lunch meat is low in sodium and fat, high in protein and free of health-harming chemicals.
Hormel Natural Choice Deli Roast Beef

Sodium per 56 g serving: 520 mg
Fat per 56 g serving: 2 g
Protein per 56 g serving: 11 g
Hormel is one of the few deli brands to forgo all nitrites, nitrates, and other preservatives.
Boar's Head All Natural Applewood Smoked Uncured Ham

Sodium per 56 g serving: 440
Fat per 56 g serving: 2 g
Protein per 56 g serving: 11 g
Ham backs more calories than chicken and turkey, but not enough that you need to add it to your do-not-eat list. Make this meat a once-in-a-while pick to mix up your lunchtime routine without breaking the calorie bank. Round out your meal with one of these 50 Best Detox Waters for Fat Burning and Weight Loss.
Applegate Roasted Chicken Breast
Sodium per 56 g serving: 360 mg
Fat per 56 g serving: 1.5 g
Protein per 56 g serving: 10 g
These low-sodium, pre-grilled chicken breasts make it easy to throw together a salad or wrap in 5 minutes flat.
Applegate Smoked Turkey Breast

Sodium per 56 g serving: 360 mg
Fat per 56 g serving: 0 g
Protein per 56 g serving: 12 g
Applegate Farms eschews antibiotics, producing some of the most pristine, natural meats in the supermarket.
Chunk Light Tuna in Water

Sodium per 56 g serving: 60
Fat per 56 g serving: 0 g
Protein per 56 g serving: 13 g
Higher in protein and lower in sodium and fat than the competition, tuna reigns supreme in the lunch meat category. Thankfully, it's super versatile; it suits both salads and sandwiches alike. But what about the mercury? Mercury levels in tuna vary by species; generally speaking, the larger and leaner the fish, the higher the mercury level. Bluefin and albacore rank among the most toxic, according to a study in Biology Letters. But canned chunk light tuna, harvested from the smallest fish, is considered a "low mercury fish" and can–and should!–be enjoyed two to three times a week (or up to 12 ounces), according to the FDA's most recent guidelines. To stay on track with your diet plan—without sacrificing flavor— mix the fish with balsamic vinegar and ground pepper in lieu of mayo.
To rank the soups, we looked at salt, calories and fiber. Cans filled with sodium lost points while those rich in protein were awarded points.
Campbell's Chunky Grilled Sirloin Steak with Hearty Vegetables

Calories per cup: 120
Sodium per cup: 890
Fiber per cup: 2 g
Don't let this soup's 7 grams of protein distract you from its glaring flaw. A soup with nearly a half a day's sodium? No thanks!
Campbell's Home Style Light Baked Potato with Bacon & Cheddar Soup

Calories per cup: 100
Sodium per cup: 690 mg
Fiber per cup: 1 g
An impressively low-calorie count for something packed with cheese and bacon, but it's low fiber and high sodium count cost it a top spot on our list.
Campbell's Organic Sun-Ripened Tomato & Basil

Calories per cup: 150
Sodium per cup: 650 mg
Fiber per cup: 2 g
This soup may be low in calories, but it packs quite a bit of salt, which is why it falls in the middle of the pack.
Campbell's Healthy Request Condensed Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup

Calories per cup: 60
Sodium per cup: 410 mg
Fiber per cup: 1 g
This cold-weather classic is low in calories and light in sodium; however, we had to deduct some points for its low fiber content.
Progresso Light Beef Pot Roast

Calories per cup: 80
Sodium per cup: 470 mg
Fiber per cup: 2 g
There's a bounty of vegetation in this can, and it includes carrots, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, celery and peas. And speaking of healthy veggies, be sure to check out these 50 Best Supermarket Shopping Tips Ever!
Progresso Light Zesty! Santa Fe Style Chicken

Calories per cup: 80
Sodium per cup: 460 mg
Fiber per cup: 2 g
The black beans in this foup bolster the fiber and protein content (it packs 5 grams per cup) and add a shot of brain-boosting antioxidants.
Curious how all your favorite breakfast foods stack up? Check out The 50 Best Breakfast Foods for Weight Loss—Ranked!