The Best Exercises To Get Rid Of Visceral Fat ASAP, Trainer Says

Most of my clients have the goal of getting into shape and shedding body fat. The best way to lose fat is to focus on the basics: strength training regularly, eating a healthy diet, and getting in regular cardio. By nailing those three habits consistently, you should be able to drop the fat and achieve the physique you desire. (However, depending on your genetics, training history, and routine, some may have a more difficult time losing fat than others.) Today we're going to talk about the best exercises to get rid of visceral fat fast, but before we do, let's first discuss the types of fat in your body.
Here's a quick rundown. The body is home to various kinds of fat, such as visceral (the fat that's surrounding your organs and can lead to serious health complications if you have high levels of it), subcutaneous (the type of fat that's right below the skin, and the one that is referred to as the stubborn fat that takes longer to go away), and essential fat (which is exactly what it sounds like—it's necessary for your overall health).
Fortunately, visceral fat is easier to lose than subcutaneous fat. One of the best methods to do so is by incorporating HIIT into your routine. You can perform HIIT through several cardio activities—here are a few examples below that will help you get rid of visceral fat. And next, be sure to check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.
Bike Sprints

First, you'll want to get properly warmed up by cruising at a comfortable pace for 2 minutes. Once you're ready, begin sprinting as hard as you can for 15 to 20 seconds. Once you've sprinted, cruise at a slow pace for 20 to 40 seconds, then repeat again for 6 to 10 rounds.
Related: The #1 Exercise That's Best for Reducing Belly Fat, Says Doctor
Treadmill Intervals

Start this exercise by standing with your legs outside of the belt and setting your treadmill on a 10% incline and the speed a little higher than your typical jog pace. Once the incline and speed are set, hop onto the belt, and sprint hard for 30 seconds.
Once you've sprinted for 30 seconds, grab the handles on the side, and carefully jump back onto the stable non-moving part of the treadmill. Rest for 30 seconds, and then repeat this workout for 10 rounds.
Sled Push

If you have access to a sled at your gym, start by loading it with a light weight (one 45-pound weight if there's only one slot or two 25-pound weights if there are two). If you're new to the exercise, grip the sled high on the handles with your arms extended. Push the sled 20 to 40 yards one way, then back, with your body at a 45-degree angle to the bars at all times. Keep your eyes on the ground as you push. Rest for 2 to 5 minutes before performing another set, aiming for 3 to 5 sets of 20 to 40 yards each.
Related: Secret Exercise Tricks To Shrink Abdominal Fat Fast, Trainer Says
Rower Intervals

Hop on a rower, and warm up for a minute or two. Once you're warmed up, sprint hard for 60 seconds, and see how many meters you can row in that timeframe. Rest for 3 to 5 minutes afterward, then do another 60-second round, trying to match the same distance as your first sprint. Repeat for 5 rounds total.