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14 Best Egg White Recipes for Weight Loss

These bites are high in protein and extremely low in calories.
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Losing weight can be a tricky process. Not only do you have to put together an exercise regimen, but you also have to be conscious of when you eat and what you're putting into your body, as some foods are helpful for weight loss, while others are extremely harmful. As far as foods go, egg whites are a supremely helpful food if you're trying to lose weight, because they contain so few calories and have a high protein content.

"Egg whites are high in protein and extremely low in calories," says Natalie Kravat, RDN, LDN, MS, at Jugo Feed. "One egg white is approximately 15 calories and contains no fat or carbs. Protein is very helpful for weight loss because of its satiety effect. Protein can suppress your appetite to a greater extent than carbs and fat."

So with this sentiment in mind, here are some of the best recipes containing egg white that are good for weight loss. And to further fuel your weight loss journey, be sure to check out 57 Healthy Weight Loss Dinner Recipes for Super Busy Weeknights.

Air Fryer Egg White Frittata Recipe

egg white frittata
James Stefiuk

If there's one kitchen item that's become a must-have in recent years, it's an air fryer. The appliance helps to simulate deep frying, but without all of the excess fat from deep-frying oil. Best of all, it can be used to make almost anything you can think of, including this healthy egg white frittata. In addition to egg whites, the breakfast also contains Roma tomato, fresh spinach, and much less oil than would be used to make this on the stove.

Get our recipe for Air Fryer Egg White Frittata.

Egg White Muffins

egg white muffins
Courtesy of Clean & Delicious

There are plenty of muffin recipes that won't help you lose weight, especially the ones full of chocolate chips and sugar. But having concerns about your own muffin top does not mean you must give up on all muffins for good. Some recipes—including this one for egg white muffins—are satiating choices that can help support your weight loss goals. These egg white muffins have an extremely low fat content and calorie count. They're also pretty low on sodium and bound to fill you up due to all the protein in each muffin. The recipe also recommends topping the muffins with avocado and tomato, or if you're a fan of spicy foods, some Greek yogurt mixed with sriracha.

Get the recipe from Clean and Delicious.

Egg White Omelet

egg white omelet
Courtesy of Healthy Recipes

When it comes to egg white recipes, a classic go-to option is an egg white omelette with veggies. A delicious tried-and-true egg white favorite, this egg white omelette is low in fat, high in protein and packed with delicious veggies like cherry tomatoes and scallions.

Get the recipe from Healthy Recipes.

Elderflower and Strawberry Parfait Recipe

elderflower strawberry parfait recipe
Courtesy of Salt and Wind

Just because it's an egg white recipe doesn't mean that it has to be an egg-centric dish. This parfait uses three egg whites whisked with sugar and vanilla to form a cream that serves as the base of this light, sweet treat. It also features sliced strawberries and elderflower liqueur.

Get the recipe from Salt & Wind Travel.

Copycat Starbucks Egg White Breakfast Sandwich

copycat starbucks egg white breakfast sandwich
Courtesy of Sweet Peas and Saffron

Starbucks breakfast sandwiches may taste great, but if you're trying to lose weight, the fat content in some of their sammies may work against that aim. But you can avoid that by making this copycat egg white breakfast sandwich at home instead. This recipe layers egg whites, turkey bacon, and white cheddar cheese on top of an English muffin for a nutritious, flavorful breakfast. While this meal is low in fat, it does have a relatively high sodium content, so be careful avoiding additional salt when preparing it.

Get the recipe from Sweet Peas and Saffron.

Cobb Salad

cobb salad

When you want to lose weight, it's important to maintain a diet that features a lot of lean protein, healthy fats, and of course, fruits and vegetables. Egg whites can play a crucial role as a quality salad topping and act as a substitution for other unhealthy ingredients commonly found in similar dishes. This cobb salad recipe does all that, including adding to matching the the hard-boiled egg whites with additional protein from the grilled chicken.

Get our recipe for Cobb Salad.

Egg White Oatmeal

cup of overnight oatmeal
Cotter Crunch

Most egg white recipes require egg whites straight from a cracked egg, but this one calls for liquid egg whites poured from a carton or other container. It's not often that you see a recipe for oatmeal containing egg whites, but this low-fat recipe, which will help assist in weight loss, has a special reason for including them: Not only do the egg whites add protein to this oatmeal recipe, but they also help to make the oatmeal more fluffy and dense.

Get the recipe from The Clean Eating Couple.

Egg White Frittata

egg white frittata
Courtesy of Well Plated by Erin

Frittatas can be pretty simple to make. However, whipping one up can still make you feel like a fancy chef, especially once it's finished on the plate. What's great about this particular frittata recipe is also low on calories and fat content, which makes it a healthy breakfast choice for anyone who is looking to lose weight. Don't forget to add some avocado slices to the top for an additional boost of vitamins C, E, and K.

Get the recipe from Well Plated by Erin.

Egg White Crepes

egg white crepes
Courtesy of Hungry Hobby

You don't have to travel to Paris to get great crepes! Instead, make them in your kitchen with this egg white crepe recipe. These high-protein crepes are made from combining egg whites and oat flour to form the batter for the thin pancakes. They can be topped with berries and served as a low-fat and high-protein option for breakfast that encourages weight loss.

Get the recipe from Hungry Hobby.

Egg White Breakfast Burrito

egg white breakfast burrito
Courtesy of Beachbody on Demand

Although there are numerous burritos out there that, while delicious, aren't necessarily considered a healthy choice, this egg white breakfast burrito is a healthy, high-protein bite that can fuel you throughout the day. Ringing in at only 272 calories, this burrito features egg whites and turkey bacon as its main proteins. Additionally, it is filled with nutritious fresh veggies, including bell peppers and red onion.

Get the recipe from Beachbody on Demand.

Low-Calorie Egg White Scramble

egg white scramble with spinach and onions
Courtesy of Skinny Kitchen

Sometimes a dish doesn't need much labor or fuss to taste great. That's the case for this egg white scramble, which takes less than 20 minutes to put together. In addition to egg whites, this recipe mixes in spinach, onions, and is topped with feta cheese.

Get the recipe from Skinny Kitchen.

Egg White Bites

egg white bites
Courtesy of Evolving Table

It's nice to sit down to a luxurious meal, but sometimes you don't have the time. This recipe for egg white bites is perfect for a low-fat, low-sodium, protein-packed quick bite that will fill you up without containing a lot of calories, which is a perfect combination for weight loss. The egg white bites also feature red bell pepper, Monterrey jack cheese and spinach.

Get the recipe from Evolving Table.

Egg White Quiche with Vegetables

egg white quiche with vegetables
Courtesy of The Gardening Cook

Eating a quiche is basically like having a savory pie for breakfast—and what could be better than that? How about one that's low in fat and packed with protein? This recipe is also crustless, which helps to make the quiche low-carb and better for weight loss. These healthy swaps have resulted in a quiche that's only 101 calories per slice.

Get the recipe from The Gardening Cook.

Curried Deviled Eggs

curied deviled eggs
Courtesy of Well Plated by Erin

Sure, there's also egg yolks involved in this recipe, but the basis of all deviled eggs—and perhaps most important part of all—is the egg white.

"I wouldn't recommend ditching the egg yolk altogether because they contain some important nutrients, such as choline, lutein, and vitamins A, B and D," Kravat says. "However, more quantity and less calories can be gained from eating plain egg whites."

This recipe is spiced up with the inclusion of curry powder and cayenne pepper. It's also extremely low in fat and calories per serving.

Get the recipe from Well Plated by Erin.


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Erin Yarnall
Erin Yarnall is a freelance reporter from the Chicago area. Read more about Erin