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19 Boss Beet Recipes

Trying to foster a foodship with beets? These delicious recipes are a great place to start.
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Whether you're already obsessed or you're trying to love 'em, one thing is for certain: beets are pretty badass. Thanks to a nutrient called betaine—which is responsible for beets' rich ruby hue—the root veggie not only fights inflammation, but also revs metabolism, boosts mood and shuts down genes that encourage fat to hang around. And that's only the highlight reel. Thanks to the other good-for-you nutrients in beets, the veggie has also been shown to boost immunity, improve nerve health, increase muscle function and detox the body. Basically, beets cover all the bases, so it's a wise move to add them to your weekly meal lineup. Thankfully there are tons of tasty ways to beet recipe boredom (HA! Get it?!) and do just that. From pizzas and smoothies to brownies, pesto and more, these mouthwatering, beet recipes are sure to please. Bonus: All of them—yes, even the desserts—are weight loss-friendly so you can dig in—guilt free!


Nutrition (per ½ cup serving): 73 calories, 2.9 g fat (2.4 g saturated), 183 mg sodium, 11.3 g carbs, 2.3 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 2 g protein

They say fruit is nature's candy, but apparently, vegetables have some moves up their sleeves, too. With less than 100 calories, 3 grams of fat, and a plethora of nutrients, this is far from your average sugar rush.

Get the recipe from Happy Healthy Mama.


Nutrition (per 1.5 cups): 184 calories, 7.4 g fat (1.1 g saturated), 335 mg sodium, 28.1 g carbs, 2.2 g fiber, 3.1 g sugar, 2.6 g protein

This recipe combines two of our favorite superfoods: beets and pumpkin. Pumpkin is everywhere this time of year; on our doorsteps, in our coffees, and of course, in our food. And from a nutritional standpoint, we can't complain. After running a series of animal tests, Taiwanese researchers found that squash consumption reduces the production of lactic acid—the compound that's responsible for muscle aches and fatigue post workout. Not to mention its fiber and protein-to-sugar ratio, which make it a natural fat-scorching appetite suppressant. Pairing it with beets only makes it all the more powerful! For more ways to be basic this fall, check out these 20 Healthy Pumpkin Recipes for Weight Loss.

Get the recipe from With Food + Love.


Nutrition (per ½ cup serving): 54 calories, 0 g fat (0 g saturated), 72 mg sodium, 12 g carbs, 1.9 g fiber, 10.1 g sugar, 1.6 g protein

Balsamic glaze is made by combining balsamic vinegar with a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup. In this recipe, it is then poured over red and golden beets to bring rich flavor and immunity-boosting nutrients to the super veg. The tart vinegar is packed with polyphenols or antioxidants that can knock out cancer-causing free radicals and prevent heart disease. For more life-extending foods to add to your diet, don't miss these The 40 Best-Ever Weight-Loss Superfoods.

Get the recipe from Back To Her Roots.


Nutrition (per ½ cup serving): 162 calories, 10.6 g fat (1.5 g saturated), 36 mg sodium, 16.7 g carbs, 3.4 g fiber, 3.7 g sugar, 3 g protein (calculated with 1 cup sugar)

This recipe perfectly pairs butternut squash—another one of fall's flavorful superfoods—with fibrous Brussels sprouts, satiating black rice, lemon juice and fresh basil. Like pumpkins, butternut squash is one of the carotenoid-rich veggies that'll improve your complexion, vision, and ab lines. Pair it with a lean protein like chicken or grass-fed steak for a delicious and filling meal.

Get the recipe from Ciao Florentina.


Nutrition (per brownie, yields 16 ): 163 calories, 8 g fat (4.9 g saturated), 62 mg sodium, 21.4 g carbs, <1 g fiber, 16.2 g sugar, 2 g protein (calculated with 1 cup sugar)

Brownies are usually a dietary disaster. They're indulgent, fattening and, if nothing else, addictive. For these reasons, we couldn't help but be intrigued by this lower-cal beet version. And if you're a parent who cannot get their child to consume a single veggie, these are the perfect solution. With a dessert this tasty, your little one won't be the wiser.

Get the recipe from Self Proclaimed Foodie.


Nutrition (per 2 tbsp serving): 132 calories, 3.6 g fat (0 g saturated), 18 mg sodium, 19.5 g carbs, 5.6 g fiber, 4.3 g sugar, 6.6 g protein (calculated without salt)

Even if you knew nothing about nutrition, you might be drawn to this dish simply because of its vivid color. Like its plain beige counterpart, beet hummus is also made with chickpeas, one of the best high-fiber foods. In fact, a study published in the journal Obesity found people who ate a single serving of chickpeas each day reported feeling 31 percent fuller, thanks to their soluble and insoluble fiber content. Use it as a veggie dip, sandwich spread or a filling salad addition to reap the benefits.

Get the recipe from Blog Lovin.


Nutrition (per sandwich): 369 calories, 21.2 g fat (5.9 g saturated), 383 mg sodium, 33.8 g carbs, 6 g fiber, 11.6 g sugar, 13.5 g protein (calculated with 1 beet, 2 tbsp of goat cheese, 1 tbsp olive oil and wheat bread)

In the world of cheese, goat is lower in calories and fat than cow varieties and gentler on the digestive tract. Combined with spicy arugula and sweet, earthy beets, this is far from your average grilled cheese.

Get the recipe from BS In The Kitchen.


Nutrition (per ½ cup serving): 90 calories, 6 g fat (1.4 g saturated), 49 mg sodium, 6.9 g carbs, 2.3 g fiber, 4.6 g sugar, 2.6 g protein

Next time you find yourself tempted to order french fries from the McDonald's menu, try roasting up some beets instead. Since their texture is similar to potatoes, you might be pleasantly surprised with how much you enjoy them. The fact that they're lower in calories, sodium and fat than the greasy, drive-thru variety is a win, too.

Get the recipe from Delightful Mom Food.


Nutrition (per 2 tbsp serving): 114 calories, 11.2 g fat (1.4 g saturated), 153 mg sodium, 3.3 g carbs, 1.1 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 2 g protein

They may not look like anything special, but don't even think about discarding beets' precious leaves! Packed with a host of minerals and vitamins A, C, E, K, and B, they're basically your multivitamin for the day. Although they do make a milder pesto than the basil variety, there's still tons of flavor to love. Place a dollop on top of chicken or wild salmon, smear it on a sandwich, or swirl it into a zoodle dish. The options are truly endless.

Get the recipe from B Britnell.


Nutrition (per slice, yields 12): 239 calories, 11.3 g fat (5.5 g saturated), 106 mg sodium, 35.9 g carbs, 4.8 g fiber, 17.7 g sugar, 3.5 g protein (calculated with ½ cup sugar)

This vegan, gluten-free cake can literally help you slide into your skinny jeans. Aside from being made with fat-blasting ingredients like coconut oil, beets, apple-cider vinegar and cocoa powder, it's topped with avocado frosting. The green berry is the only fruit that's been credited with warding off hunger, boosting nutrient absorption, and spot-reducing belly fat. In fact, according to a study in the journal Diabetes Care, a diet rich in monounsaturated fat (which is abundant in avocado) may actually prevent body fat distribution around the belly by downregulating the expression of certain fat genes. Sounds like a great excuse to eat chocolate cake if you ask us!

Get the recipe from The Pretty Bee.


Nutrition (per 1 cup serving): 174 calories, 8.5 g fat (2.6 g saturated), 152 mg sodium, 20.3 g carbs, 2.8 g fiber, 4.2 g sugar, 5.7 g protein

Fall is in full swing, which means the supply of corn is dwindling. That said, if you're interested in whipping up this recipe, you'd better get yourself to the supermarket—fast! This recipe is unique, refreshing, full of complex flavors and bursting with nutrients. And did we mention it's gluten-free? In short, it's the perfect side dish for all of your autumn get-togethers.

Get the recipe from The Roasted Root.


Nutrition (per 1 cup serving): 112 calories, 1.2 g fat (<1 g saturated), 69 mg sodium, 20 g carbs, 1.7 g fiber, 16.5 g sugar, 5.1 g protein

Sipping a smoothie is one of the most convenient ways to get key nutrition into your body on the fly. This recipe combines beets, strawberries, banana, yogurt, honey, and ice. Pair it with an ounce of nuts, or add a scoop of protein powder for a more satiating, balanced start to your day.

Get the recipe from Live Eat Learn.


Nutrition (per slice, yields 10): 361 calories, 25.9 g fat (7.5 g saturated), 353 mg sodium, 22.7 g carbs, 2.1 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 10.5 g protein (calculated with 1 cup sugar)

This pizza puts every other pie to shame. It's covered with nutrient-dense foods that create a unique, heavenly flavor. We guarantee love at first bite.

Get the recipe from The Roasted Root.


Nutrition (per ½ cup serving): 210 calories, 18.5 g fat (5.1 g saturated), 278 mg sodium, 8.7 g carbs, 1.5 g fiber, 6.5 g sugar, 4.2 g protein

We're going to be straight-up here: there is no cure for cellulite. However, it is possible to create smoother skin by consuming foods that increase collagen production and skin elasticity, boost weight loss and support lean muscle. This recipe contains hydrating parsley, collagen-rebuilding lemon, and beets, making it the perfect mealtime solution for your skin woes. Just because summer is behind us doesn't mean our skin has to become puckered and flabby. Whip up this dish to reap the benefits.

Get the recipe from Scrambled Chefs.


Nutrition (per pattie, yields 5): 255 calories, 8.8 g fat (1.3 g saturated), 43 mg sodium, 35.9 g carbs, 4.5 g fiber, 2.1 g sugar, 8.8 g protein

Aside from being a vegetarian godsend, these patties are a perfect opportunity to eat yourself skinny. This recipe calls for flat-belly ingredients like quinoa, spinach, and oats, a potent source of resistant starch. Resistant starch digests slowly and triggers the release of digestive acids that suppress appetite and accelerate calorie burn. A burger that burns belly fat!? Yes, please!

Get the recipe from My Food Story.


Nutrition (per slice, yields 12): 109 calories, 2.7 g fat (0 g saturated), 211 mg sodium, 18.2 g carbs, 2.1 g fiber, 1.5 g sugar, 3.1 g protein

Let's talk flour. This recipe calls for 100 percent whole wheat, which is not a staple in every household. The primary difference between wheat and white flour is fiber content. Whole wheat contains 6.4 grams per ½ cup serving, while white flour contains just 1.2 grams. Fiber plays a key role in digestion, weight management and appetite control. The second significant difference between the two is their glycemic index. Lower glycemic foods, like whole-wheat bread, are slowly absorbed in the body, preventing blood-sugar crashes that fuel hunger and mindless munching. White flour falls on the high end of the index, which can wreak havoc on your waistline. For more carbs that will shrink your midsection, check out these 25 Best Carbs for Weight Loss.

Get the recipe from Love Food Eat.


Nutrition (per 1.5 cups): 144 calories, 3.8 g fat (0 g saturated), 115 mg sodium, 27.6 g carbs, 3.7 g fiber, 23.1 g sugar, 1.9 g protein

We're about a third of the way into apple season, and if you haven't filled a basket yet, here's your cue. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which fights disease-causing inflammation in the body. What's more, studies indicate the fall fruit's high fiber content can reduce overall calorie consumption by as much as 15 percent!

Get the recipe from Cotter Crunch.


Nutrition (per ½ cup serving): 127 calories, 9.4 g fat (1.3 g saturated), 86 mg sodium, 10.9 g carbs, 2.2 g fiber, 8.7 g sugar, 1.8 g protein

Made with just three natural ingredients (beets, olive oil, and sea salt), these crunchy, delicious healthy chips are just what your weight-loss plan has been yearning for.

Get the recipe from A Spicy Perspective.


Nutrition (per bite): 108 calories, 6.1 g fat (0 g saturated), 6 mg sodium, 11.8 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 7.2 g sugar, 3 g protein

Apparently pairing chocolate and beets is a thing—and we're totally loving it. We're fans of this beet bite recipe because they can be made in just minutes with easy-to-locate raw ingredients. After you've thrown them in the freezer or fridge to harden, simply grab one on the way out the door. Life is hectic. Do yourself a favor and always have healthy snacks like these on hand.

Get the recipe from My Healthyish Life.


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