You're walking through the snack aisle and a bag of Cheetos catches your eye. They have the word "Natural" in big, bold letters plastered across the front of the bag.
It's easy to go nutty trying to pick out the right nut butter. While they're no doubt staples in the wellness world, not all butters are created equal.
They grace the cover of magazines, endure tireless close-ups on screen, and nail endorsements left and right. Face it: Celebrities are in the business of looking good.
When you break it down, chia seeds are nothing short of super: They'll do more for your body in one spoonful than almost any other food stocked in your pantry.
How much weight could you lose if your produce was always fresh and ready for use whenever you needed it? Well, there's a tool for that. It's called the freezer.
The number of calories has nothing to do with it. Some of these foods are high in calories, some are low. The common denominator: they're nutritionally void.