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The #1 Worst Breakfast to Eat If You Have Diabetes

This particular breakfast isn't doing your blood sugar any favors.

Breakfast Habits for Weight Loss Experts Say Work

Breakfast can be one of the most important parts of your day when you're trying to lose weight.

The Best Foods to Slow Aging After 50

These foods can help prevent some age-related diseases, cognitive decline, and wrinkles.

15 Cozy Pasta Recipes Perfect for Weight Loss

These healthier pasta dishes are perfect for sticking to your health goals during the colder months.

The #1 Best Fruit to Eat For Your Gut Health

Who knew this little fruit could do so much?

Best Healthy Recipes to Boost Your Immunity

These recipes will prepare your body for the winter months ahead.

The #1 Best Coffee Habit For Weight Loss

Drinking coffee and sticking to your weight loss goals means making sure you choose the best ingredients.

This Is The #1 Worst Vitamin C Supplement

Taking large doses of vitamin C at once won't actually protect your immune system in the way you may think.

Why You’re Gaining Weight While Counting Calories

Counting calories may work for a select few, but you may want to try a healthier, more sustainable method.

Side Effects of Losing 20+ Pounds After 50

Losing the extra weight may help decrease your risk of certain illnesses.

This Amount of Coffee Can Lower Disease Risk

This expert reveals that drinking multiple cups of coffee a day may be better for you than you thought.

This Is the #1 Best Cut of Steak to Eat

Choosing the right one makes all the difference.

#1 Best Way to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

Our expert shares the secret to avoiding weight gain while still enjoying holiday treats.

Avoid These Drinks To Protect Your Heart

This expert says there are drinks you may want to seriously reconsider to help reduce your risk of disease.

Frozen Pizza Is Even Worse Than We Thought

This dinner food may be convenient, but it should be consumed in moderation.

Effects of Not Taking Immunity Supplements

Dietitians say that it may be worth your money to invest in a few different types of vitamins this season.

Side Effects of High Cholesterol After 50

Having high cholesterol as you get older can have dangerous consequences.

Foods for Reducing Inflammation After 50

Along with exercise and sleep, these foods can help you reduce inflammation in the body.

Cozy Oatmeal Recipes Perfect for Weight Loss

We've got a list of delicious, creamy, healthy oatmeal recipes that are easy to make this season.

The Final Verdict on Eating Red Meat

An expert says we shouldn't be afraid of eating red meat—as long as we know what to look for.

Eating Habits to Avoid If You Don’t Want Diabetes

Experts want you to know that some of these habits may increase your chances of diabetes

13 Fall Breakfast Recipes

Experts share the healthy breakfast recipes they've been making this season.

The #1 Best Diet for Dementia

Studies say that although it can't be prevented, this diet may help delay symptoms of dementia.

The Final Verdict on Drinking Tea for Weight Loss

An expert says that green tea really does have amazing health benefits, but your lifestyle also matters.

Major Effects of Vitamin C Supplements After 50

An expert says that vitamin C is essential as we age.

#1 Best Way to Make Oatmeal for Weight Loss

An expert says that having something healthy and already prepared is the key to a healthy breakfast.

The Worst Breakfast Habits for Your Immunity

Experts warn that doing these things in the morning could wreck your immune system.

The Best Weight Loss Drinks for Breakfast

An expert shares the best morning beverages to help you meet your weight loss goals.

6 Coffee Habits For Weight Loss

Experts warn that how you drink your coffee can have lasting health effects.