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The #1 Best Food to Eat Before Bedtime

Eating this food late at night will help you build muscle mass.

Major Side Effects of Eating a Sandwich Every Day

What is your favorite lunch doing to your body?

The #1 Best Supplement For Belly Bloat

These are the ingredients that can support deflating a bloated belly.

The #1 Best Vitamin D Supplement to Take

There are actually many different types of vitamin D supplements you can take—according to one dietitian, this kind is the best.

The #1 Best Supplement For a Longer Life

The key to a longer life may live in this capsule.

Best Supplements for Your Heart

Support your heart health with the help of these expert-recommended supplements.

One Effect of Eating Salads Every Day

Think that eating healthy starts with a salad a day? That may be true—here's why.

Surprising Side Effects of Taking Vitamin D

What can happen to your body when you take this immune-boosting supplement.

Side Effects of Using Protein Powder

There are countless benefits of this concentrated form of protein.

Should You Be Calculating Net Carbs?

Calculating net carbs may have risen to popularity due to low-carb diets, but the technique can teach us all a lesson about food quality.

Walk at This Time to Lose More Weight

Adding a walk to this particular time in your daily routine will give you significant results.

The 10 Best Low-Sodium Lunch Meats to Buy

Lunch meat is one of the foods that contributes the most sodium in American diets. You can still eat it as long as you buy these picks.

Are Pure Protein Bars Healthy?

These bars are some of the best-selling protein bars on Amazon and in Costco. We asked a dietitian whether they're actually good for you.

The 8 Healthiest Low-Carb Grains You Can Eat

You don't have to avoid grains on a low-carb diet. Low-carb grains are rich in fiber and nutrients that serve to improve health and encourage weight loss.

Why Black Rice Is the Better Rice

High protein content and antioxidants make it a powerhouse grain.

What Is Chicory Root And Is It Good For You?

Often found on processed foods touting their high fiber benefits, chicory root is the functional fiber you need to know about.

Is Whey Protein Better Than Plant Protein?

Dairy or plants? We break down the differences between the two and which is right for you.

Should You Be Combining Proteins?

Complementary proteins is the concept of combining incomplete protein sources together in one meal to consume all essential amino acids—but is it necessary?

Why High Fructose Corn Syrup Is Bad For You

We dive into the nutrition research of this much-maligned sweetener to reach a final verdict.

The Supplements Vegans Need in Their Diets

Plant-based dieters may have a lack of some key nutrients. Here's how to add them back in the vegan way.

Fresh vs. Frozen Produce: Does it Matter?

Does picking up your favorite vegetables from the produce aisle or freezer section make a difference on their nutrition?

Are Nitrates and Nitrites in Food Harmful?

An RD breaks down what they are, why they're used, and what you can do about it.

Are Cortisol Levels Behind Your Weight Gain?

How this stress hormone can cause numerous health problems and how you can fix it.

What Is Carb Cycling and Should You Try It?

This diet trend has you alternate between high and low carb days depending on your exercise routine. An RD explains more about how it works and what you can expect.

Which is Healthier: Coconut Oil or Olive Oil?

Coconut oil has risen in popularity over the years, but how does this saturated fat-laden oil stack up against healthy fat darling olive oil?

Is Coconut Water Actually Good for You?

We had a registered dietitian explain if the drink really delivers all those supposed health benefits.