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The 13 Best Nut Butters for Weight Loss

From sunbutter to almond butter to the conventional peanut butter, we found which spreads are healthiest.

10 Best Instant Breakfasts for Weight Loss

By now, you know enough to eat breakfast in order to keep your metabolism humming, your mental focus sharp and to avoid overeating for the rest of the day.

5 Foods That Destroy Any Diet

They are the five words every dieter dreads hearing: Wanna go out to eat? Eat This, Not That! knows the feeling.

Counter Intelligence

We decoded the most common claims in the chicken and meat aisles, so you'll know exactly what you're cooking for dinner.

10 Weight Loss Tips from Around the World

What works overseas for other people's waistlines is well worth a try on U.S.A. soil, too.

8 Foods to Boost Women's Sex Drive

Get in the mood—drug free—with these guaranteed libido-boosters for her.

How to Lose Weight Eating Mexican Food

Mexican food is a cuisine on the cusp.

Should I Eat Tilapia?

This freshwater fish gets a bad rap, but there are healthy ways you can enjoy it.

How Chocolate Milk Can Help You Lose Weight

Turns out this childhood staple may be the ideal vehicle for your body's most neglected nutritional needs.

6 Feelings That Make You Fat

How does belly fat feel? If you said squishy or spongy, you may be right. But fat has other feelings, too: anxious, lonely, even happy sometimes.

The 5 Ultimate Rules of Rapid Fat Loss

Working toward a healthy, trim body is a lot like building a house. It doesn't matter how graceful the archways are if it's all built on a rotten foundation.

Carrie Underwood's Hot Body Tips

Music superstar and new mom Carrie Underwood reveals her tips for staying fit—before, during, and after giving birth.

Best and Worst Restaurants for Your Waistline

Here's a number you should keep in mind: 43. That's the percentage of calories you're going to eat this year that will come from restaurants, catering companies and other folks who, unlike you and your mom, don't really care very much about your health. So you'd better plan to be extra vigilant yourself.

10 Valentine's Day Gifts for a Healthy Date

Treat your special someone to a healthy Valentine's Day gift. Chocolate is overrated anyway!

The Biggest Loser's Dietitian on the Best Weight-Loss Foods

We all know humans need nutrient-packed foods to survive, yet so many of us try to thrive on diets of empty calories—including many of my clients on 'The Biggest Loser.'

7 Best Foods for Your Heart

Slash risk of heart disease by more than half, just by taking a few simple steps.

50 National Healthy Food Holidays

Mark your calendar—and make it a point to eat extra-healthy on these highlighted days!

4 Flat-Belly Supplements You're Not Taking (But Should Be)

We live in a world designed to help us undo our own mistakes.

20 Cheat Meal Tips for Weight Loss Success

The simple cheat meal can be what makes or breaks your body goals. Here's how to do it without causing too much damage.

9 Healthy Groceries To Buy For The Super Bowl

These chip, dip, pizza, and beer selections will help you stay trim on Super Bowl Sunday.

50 Chia Seed Recipes for Weight Loss

Get inspired with these creative ways to add one of the most super of superfoods to your diet.

5 Ways to Lose Weight at Brunch

It's Sunday morning. The birds are singing, the coffee is brewing and your tummy is growling. It's time for brunch.

The 20 Best Natural Cures for Women

Managing the monthly cycle of hormonal ups and downs—mood swings, headaches, menstrual cramps, assorted energy drains—drives many of us to reach routinely for ibuprofen, antidepressants, sleeping pills and other drugs.

10 Best Store-Bought Appetizers for Thanksgiving

While waiting for Thanksgiving's main event to commence, it's common to nosh on appetizers and catch up with family and friends. Although we're all for having a fun-filled social hour, mixing bite-sized, calorie-laden fare with chatter can lead to distracted eating, dizzying calorie intakes and a full stomach before dinner even begins.

7 Foods That Wrinkle Your Skin

Beware: Eating these common foods might be making your wrinkles worse.

10 Awesome Egg Dishes to Make for Dinner

Eggs are the All Stars of the breakfast food world. Pairing well with everything from avocados to lean meat, it's a no-brainer why eggs make it to the plates of the morning herd. But why not more egg plates in the P.M.? That all changes now.