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10 Strength-Training Exercises To Shrink Your 'Apron Belly'

Strength training is key to burning fat and toning your midsection.

12 Best Snacks to Shrink Belly Fat

These snacks target belly fat with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you full.

25 Food Myths Preventing You From Losing Weight

If you don't like kale, stop eating kale!

20 Habits Healthy People Live By

The best way to lose weight is to ignore trends and focus instead on perfected healthy eating strategies.

Here's How to Wake Up With a Flat Belly

Try these easy and effective steps today to wake up with a visibly flat stomach tomorrow.

How to Safely Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days

Follow these guidelines to slim down fast!

Snacking Habits That Help You Lose Weight

We turned to nutritional research to learn the best ways to snack healthy.

14 Lunch Habits That Help You Lose Weight

Stay slim with these healthy lunch tips.

7 Unhealthiest Work-From-Home Habits

For many of us, having to work from home is out of our control, but our health doesn't have to be.

Great Weight Loss Habits That Work

Learning how to be mindful about your eating can make a huge difference.

Eat This Food Every Day to Live Longer

The longest-living people in the world all consume this surprising food in abundance.

17 Healthy Foods to Help You Never Feel Old

Turn back the clock with the help of these delicious superfoods.

Exercise This Much Every Week to Lose Weight

Researchers have pinpointed the exact number of calories you need to burn every week to shed pounds.

These Weight Loss Mistakes Harm Your Health

Doctors and dietitians reveal some major dieting no-nos to avoid for the sake of your body.

These 'Bad Habits' Help You Lose Weight

You don't have to be the saint of healthy eating to slim down.

Surprising Weight Loss Tricks That Totally Work, Say Experts

Clever ways you can outsmart your "fat genes," according to experts.

The Best & Worst Menu Items at 5 Restaurants

Going out to eat is always a gamble when it comes to nutrition, so we made it easy to see the best and worst picks.

Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days Eating This Breakfast

What if I told you that you could eat pancakes and waffles, chocolate cereal and egg sandwiches, omelets and breakfast burritos—and lose up to 14 pounds in 14 days?

20 Ways to Beat the Bloat

Slim down in minutes with these science-backed solutions for looking and feeling flat all day long.

20 Secrets Grocery Stores Don't Want You to Know

Discover what's lurking on the shelves, and how you may be getting ripped-off.

14 Ways to Lose A Pound a Day

Uncover these exclusive secrets from the new book Zero Sugar Diet for how to lose weight.

7 Tips for Your Post-Thanksgiving Hangover

Indulged a bit too much on Thursday? Here, let us help.

8 Weirdest Food Gimmicks—Ranked

"What's grosser than gross?" my friend's 8-year-old nephew asked me the other day, bursting with anticipation. He had the classic answers ready: sliding down a razor blade slide into a pool of alcohol, eating scabs, finding half a roach in your burger.

Ivanka Trump Diet Secrets Revealed

"Who should we put on the cover?" my staff at Shape magazine once asked me when I was Editorial Director, thinking of ideas tied to rapid weight loss. "A model? A TV star? Or maybe a recent mom who lost the baby weight—and kept if off?"

9 Ways Megyn Kelly Stays Slim at 46

"I don't like to get political," said my friend Jessica a few months back. "But I totally would have voted for Megyn Kelly."

10 Incredible Reasons Why Diets Work

"Dave, I'm done dieting," my friend Tammy told me a few weeks back.

The #1 Drink to Melt a Pound a Day

Here's exactly what you need to do to lose a pound of fat every day.

8 Ways to Spark Weight Loss Before Noon

With the #1 Drink to Lose a Pound a Day!