Foods That Kill Your Sex Drive

Frisky friends, it turns out that your diet doesn't just affect your waistline. What you eat has below-the-belt consequences too. And while most of us know there are certain weight loss foods rumored to get our sweetie in the mood (oysters and chocolate, anyone?), there are also foods that can do a number on our fertility (yes, even male fertility), libido and performance.
Bottled Water

Water isn't the culprit here; it's the plastic bottle. Bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, is a chemical component found in most plastic food containers and cans that's associated with negative impacts on fertility in both men and women. A Slovenian study in the journal Fertility & Sterility found a statistically significant association between urinary BPA concentration in men and lower total sperm count, concentration and vitality. And a study out of Harvard School of Public Health found women with the highest BPA levels in the body produced 27 percent less viable eggs. Turn to these testosterone boosting foods instead.
Brussel Sprouts
Is farting a turn off? A quick Google search will tell you most certainly yes. We tend to agree. To avoid an unsexy bottom burp, skip out on vegetables like brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. Not only reputed to make you fart more, cruciferous veggies also increase the pungency of your flatulence. To blame? Raffinose and sulphate. Raffinose is a sugar found in cruciferous veg that goes undigested until it reaches the large intestine where it's fermented by gas-producing bacteria. The smell comes from sulphate, another characteristic compound of cruciferous vegetables that studies have found to be the major malodorous component of human farts.
As if that weren't bad enough, the gas build-up is also likely to cause a serious case of bloating. Eat these flat stomach foods for a healthy gut and no belly bulge.
Canned Soup

Could Spaghetti-O's could be getting in the way of your O!?! Maybe! Canned soups and meals are notoriously high in dietary sodium (a can of Spaghetti-O's has 1780 mg—-as much as 10 bags of Doritos!), which can lead to elevated blood pressure and diminished blood flow to certain parts of the body, including the genitals. Reverse the damage with a sexy serving of dark chocolate. Non-alkalized cocoa is rich in flavanols—-sexy compounds that promote the production of nitric oxide in the body, causing blood vessels to open wider. Mee-ow!
Citrus-Flavored Soda
Are you drinking fire retardant? Many sodas in the United States are manufactured with brominated vegetable oil, one chemical in a class known as PBDEs, which are used as flame retardants in foams and plastics. Turned on yet? A study in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found women who were actively trying to get pregnant were half as likely to conceive if they had high levels of PBDE in their blood. And there are other studies linking BVO consumption to skin lesions! Coca-Cola and PepsiCo announced in May 2014 it was working to removed the controversial chemical from products—-which include many citrus-flavored sodas like Mountain Dew, Fanta and Fresca—-but didn't provide a timeline.
Sip some detox water instead to flush out toxins, boost glowing skin and flatten your stomach for birthday suit confidence.
If date night regularly includes sushi, order your appetizer wisely! A serving of edamame is little more than a bowl of pure soy beans—91 percent of which is genetically engineered in the US, according to The Center for Food Safety. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found high levels of soy in a woman's body can decrease sex hormones and disrupt her ovarian function. And a study out of Harvard School of Public Health found just a half serving of soy per day was enough to slash sperm count by 40 percent in healthy males!
Need some guidance on what you should eat before your big date? Use our easy swaps for foods that make or break your sex drive.