The Ultimate 30-Day Weight-Loss Workout To Do at Home

Real talk: When it's time to exercise, you don't always feel like going to the gym. (Heck, some of you may never feel like going to the gym.) Sure, it's great to have all the equipment, but when you factor in the time to commute there, the crowds during busy hours, and a costly membership, it's no wonder why many people skip it altogether. The good news is you can still get a great workout in the comfort of your own home. We have the ultimate 30-day weight-loss workout to do at home.
Here's how this at-home workout works: You start by building good foundations in your body, strengthening neglected body parts, and developing a good base for conditioning. Then, you gradually ramp up with harder, more challenging exercises to help strip away fat. Each phase is divided into 10 days, and we highly encourage you to take two non-consecutive days off from this workout during each phase, otherwise, you won't give your body enough time to rest. On your off day, try walking, doing yoga, or doing anything to stay active without pushing yourself too hard.
Keep reading to learn all about the ultimate 30-day weight-loss workout to do at home. And when you're finished, be sure to check out 9 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight All Month Long.
Days 1—10
A1) Hip/Thigh Extensions, Sets: 8, Reps: 8 each leg

To kick off this 30-day weight-loss workout, begin with some hip/thigh extensions. Lie on your back, bend one knee so that it makes a 90-degree angle, and stick the other leg straight out. With your bent leg, squeeze your glute, push through your heel, push your hips up, and keep your hips level as you rise. Keep your straight leg extended throughout the exercise and keep it in line with your torso.
A2) Pushups, Sets: 8, Reps: 5

Get in a pushup position with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Keep your lower back flat, and don't let your hips sag. Lower yourself, and keep your elbows close to your body as you descend.
B1) Forearm Slides, Sets: 4, Reps: 10
Stand facing a wall with your feet four to six inches away. Place your forearms flush on the wall with your elbows in front of your shoulders and your shoulder blades down and back. Slide your forearms upward in a "V" shape as high as you can while keeping them flush with the wall and keeping your shoulder blades down and back. Slide your forearms back to the starting position, and repeat.
B2) Bear Crawls, Sets: 4, Reps: 15 yards

Get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips; keep your knees an inch above the ground. Crawl forward by taking a small step with your right arm and left leg at the same time, and alternate. Keep your hips low and your head up.
Days 11—20
A1) Split Squat, Sets: 8, Reps: 5 per leg

Stand with one foot about three feet in front of the other so that your knees make two 90-degree angles at the bottom. Drop straight down, and drive with your front heel. Don't let your front knee drift past your toe.
A2) 1.5 Pushups, Sets: 8, Reps: 8

Do a full pushup, and then immediately do another but only go halfway down and push back up—that is a "1.5 rep." Repeat these 1.5 reps.
B1) Wall Slides, Sets: 4, Reps: 10
Stand with your head, shoulders, and glutes against a wall. Press your forearms flush against the wall. (There should be no space between your skin and the wall). Squeeze your glutes, and press your lower back against the wall while sliding your forearms up and down the wall.
B2) Crab Walks, Sets: 4, Reps: 15 yards

Start in the "crab position" with your hands and feet flat on the ground, chest facing up, knees bent, hips an inch from the ground, arms straight, hands directly underneath your shoulders, and fingers pointing behind you. Crawl forward by taking a tiny step with your right arm and left leg at the same time, and then another step with your left arm and right leg. Alternate while keeping your hips low and your chest up.
Days 21—30
To wrap up this 30-day weight-loss workout, set a timer for 20 minutes, and do as many rounds of the below exercises as you can with as little rest as possible.
A1) Prisoner Hold Jump Squats, Reps: 6
Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet slightly turned out. Place your hands behind your head. Squat down, sit back, and spread your knees apart. Keep your weight on your heels. Once you descend below parallel, explode up, and jump as high as you can.
A2) Reverse Lunge, Reps: 6 per leg

Take a long step back—long enough so that your knees make two 90-degree angles at the bottom—and pull yourself back up with your forward leg.
A3) Spiderman Pushups, Reps: 5 per side

As you lower yourself in a pushup, pull one knee out to the side, and try to touch that same side's elbow. Get as close to the ground as you can, and push up while bringing the leg back to its original position. Alternate sides.
A4) Y/T/W/L, Reps: 8 per letter
While lying with your chest on an incline bench, raise your arms above your head in a Y-shape while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do this for 8 reps. Then, lift your arms straight out to your side in a T-shape while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do this for 8 reps. Next, with your elbows bent, make a "W" shape with your arms, and lift your arms behind you while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do this for 8 reps. Finally, keep your upper arms out to your side, and turn your wrists up to the sky while squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping a 90-degree angle at your elbows. Do this for 8 reps.