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A Transformative 10-Minute Cardio Workout for Weight Loss

This cardio burst workout will maximize fat loss and leave you feeling accomplished.
FACT CHECKED BY Alexa Mellardo

As a personal trainer, I know how challenging it can be to find time to work out, especially when you have a busy schedule. You want to stay fit, burn calories, and feel good about your body, but sometimes it feels like there just aren't enough hours in the day. This is where a quick, high-intensity workout can make all the difference. It's all about maximizing your effort in a short period, and the good news is that you can achieve great results in just 10 minutes. I've curated a transformative 10-minute cardio workout for weight loss to help you achieve your goals.

One of the most effective ways to kickstart your metabolism and torch calories is through cardio bursts. These intense intervals get your heart rate up, improve cardiovascular health, and activate fat-burning hormones. Best of all, you don't need a gym or expensive equipment to get started—just your body and a bit of space. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, this adaptable workout will push you toward your weight-loss goals.

Today, I'm sharing a simple yet powerful 10-minute cardio burst workout designed to maximize fat loss, build endurance, and leave you feeling accomplished. You can do this workout anywhere—at home, in the park, or while traveling—and it's a fantastic option if you want to fit in a workout without sacrificing too much time.

Here's how to make those 10 minutes count!

The 10-Minute Cardio Burst Workout


  1. Start with 30 seconds of jogging in place or on the spot to get your heart rate up.
  2. Follow with 30 seconds of dynamic stretches like leg swings or arm circles to loosen up your muscles.

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1. Jumping Jacks (1 Minute)

jumping jacks
  1. Stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides.
  2. Jump up, spreading your legs wide while raising your arms overhead.
  3. Jump back to the starting position.
  4. Maintain a steady pace and focus on keeping your core engaged.

2. High Knees (1 Minute)

high knees
  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift your right knee toward your chest, then quickly switch legs, bringing your left knee up.
  3. Keep your pace fast to elevate your heart rate.
  4. Engage your core and aim to get your knees as high as possible with each rep.

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3. Mountain Climbers (1 Minute)

mountain climber
  1. Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Bring your right knee toward your chest, then quickly switch legs, alternating in a running motion.
  3. Keep your hips steady and engage your core throughout the movement.

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4. Burpees (1 Minute)

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Squat down and place your hands on the ground, jumping your feet back into a plank position.
  3. Jump your feet forward again to return to a squat, then explode up into a jump.
  4. Keep the pace quick but controlled, and land softly on your feet.

5. Skater Jumps (1 Minute)

illustration of speed skater exercise
  1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Jump sideways to the right, landing on your right foot while bringing your left foot behind you.
  3. Jump to the left, landing on your left foot and bringing your right foot behind you.
  4. Keep your movements smooth and quick, almost as if you're skating.

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6. Plank Jacks (1 Minute)

illustration of plank jacks
  1. Start in a high plank position with your feet together.
  2. Jump your feet out to the sides, then back together, just like a jumping jack but in plank form.
  3. Keep your core tight, and avoid letting your hips sag.
  4. Breathe steadily and focus on maintaining a solid plank form.

7. Jump Squats (1 Minute)

jump squat
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.
  2. Lower into a squat position, keeping your knees behind your toes.
  3. Explode upward, jumping as high as you can.
  4. Land softly, then lower back into a squat position.
  5. Keep the movement fluid and try to maintain a steady rhythm.

8. Bicycle Crunches (1 Minute)

woman doing bicycle crunches
  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and hands behind your head.
  2. Lift your head, shoulders, and legs off the ground.
  3. Bring your right elbow toward your left knee while straightening your right leg.
  4. Switch sides, bringing your left elbow to your right knee.
  5. Alternate in a controlled cycling motion, engaging your core throughout.

9. Quick Feet (1 Minute)

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Move your feet quickly, staying light on your toes.
  3. Shuffle back and forth, making quick, small steps.
  4. Keep your arms moving in sync with your feet to maintain momentum.

10. Sprint in Place (1 Minute)

  1. Run in place at a sprinting pace, driving your knees high and pumping your arms.
  2. Focus on speed and effort, giving it your all in the final minute.
  3. Push through fatigue to finish strong.


  1. Slowly jog or walk in place to bring your heart rate down.
  2. Follow with 30 seconds of deep breathing to help your body recover.
Tyler Read, BSc, CPT
Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in health and fitness for the past 15 years. Read more about Tyler
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